Last week, Warner Bros Pictures debuted the trailer for Final Destination Bloodlines.
In it, we see a man sentenced to death when a heavy chain from the ceiling of the tattoo parlor he is working at detaches and then attaches to his septum ring. As soon as it does, the chain gets caught up in the ceiling fan, and it keeps getting shorter and shorter. Since the guy can’t seem to take out his nose ring, he keeps trying to get higher until he can. But alas, it did not work, and Death claims another victim.
Just like when Final Destination 2 came out in 2003 and scar(r)ed and taught us forever to never drive behind a log truck full of logs, FDB, before it even comes out, is scaring people to take out their septum piercings.
Do not believe me? Watch this compilation of people doing just that after watching the teaser. That is the best and cheapest (free) marketing Warner Bros could have asked for.
I love it! Not only because I love the Final Destination franchise. I love it because I hate septum rings. They are so ugly to me. Seriously, does anyone think they look good? Besides to people who have them?
FD6 comes out on May 16th, and septum rings will keep coming out every time someone who wears one sees this teaser and/or the Horror movie.