Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2025 » January
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Terrifier 4 is happening
January 29th, 2025 under Damien Leone. [ Comments: none ]

The first three Terrifiers movies have been a huge success, so it seemed like it was given that Terrifer 4 was going to happen.

Today, Damien Leone, the clown behind the movies, gave an update on the film. “The script for Terrifier 4 is in the works and it’s shaping up to be a most epic, thrilling, nasty, horrifying, emotional and utterly satisfying conclusion,” he wrote. “P.s., I will finally reveal Art’s origin ”

I didn’t realize until this tweet that we never got Art the Clown’s origin story. So, I am curious to see how he became such a sick fuck.

On that note. Am I the only Horror fan who hates the Terrfier franchise? They are overly violent for no reason. The violence of one of Art’s murders is equivalent to all the murders in more Horror films.

Leone said this is the final film. But then again, how many franchises have said a film is its final one, and then they release a new one?


BTWF: Adam Scott in REM’s Drive music video
January 29th, 2025 under Adam Scott, Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Adam Scott was the star in shows like Severance, he was an extra in REM’s music video for Drive. Did you spot the 19-year-old in that 1992 video?

You didn’t. Don’t worry. He was not able to find himself either. However, someone did. If you want to see him, then click here!


Netflix is reimagining Little House on the Prarie
January 29th, 2025 under Netflix. [ Comments: none ]

Last year, Little House on the Prarie celebrated its 50th anniversary. And it is still a very popular series in syndication by fans new and old.

It seemed like Michael Landon created a timeless family drama that did not need to be remade. However, today, Netflix announced, “Little House on the Prairie, a reimagining of the Laura Ingalls Wilder book series, is coming to Netflix!

“Part family drama, part survival tale, and part origin story, the series will offer a kaleidoscopic view of the struggles and triumphs of those who shaped the American West.”

The streamer is keeping it in the family of the OG program because the son of the man who bought the rights to the books in 1972 is producing this updated version of the classic story.

“It has been a long-held dream of mine to carry on my father’s legacy and adapt Wilder’s classic American stories for a 21st-century audience in a way that brings together fans of both the books and the original television series,” said Trip Friendly from Friendly Family Productions said in a statement. “I am thrilled by our talented creative team led by Rebecca Sonnenshine, who are bringing these beloved stories about family, community, and survival to longtime fans and new generations.”

I really hope they ask Alison Arngrim to play Mrs.Oleson. How amazing would it be if Nellie grew up to play her mom? That is, if the show is based on the third book in the franchise when the Ingalls move to Walnut Grove, Minnesota.


How many bleeps are in the Late Night with Seth Meyers cooking segment!
January 29th, 2025 under Seth Meyers. [ Comments: none ]

I have a new love, and his name is Emilio Vitolo, who owns the hot Italian restaurant Emilio’s Ballato in Manhattan.

The chef to celebrities like Lenny Kravitz, Joe Jonas, and Taylor Swift (and Katie Holmes in the bedroom) appeared on Late Night with Seth Meyers yesterday for a cooking segment to show the host how to make Arrabita, aka Angry pasta, and boy, did he get the censors angry. That is because, between him and Seth Meyers, they said around 25 curse words (I lost count because I have only 20 fingers and toes), like shit and fuck. Therefore, they had to hit the bleep button that many times.

They might not have had to push it as much as they did if it were not for the two men drinking Manhattans during the segment.

And I fucking love that! Vitolo is so old-school New York. I so miss that attitude!

I’d also never fuck with him because he would go all Sweeney Todd on your ass. However, you would not be in the angry pasta because there is no meat in it!

Can someone tell me why someone has not been given the part-time actor, who looks like Joseph-Gordon Levitt, a cooking/behind-the-scenes restaurant show? It would be so fucking awesome to watch.

Now that I think about it, it would have to be on cable or streaming because of all of the cursing. I want/need to hear every curse word. But then again, I am from The Bronx, and cursing is just part of our vernacular.


When Harry and Sally met Hellman’s
January 29th, 2025 under Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Super Bowl, Sydney Sweeney. [ Comments: none ]

Last week, Meg Ryan and new to Instagram, Billy Crystal posted a photo that looked like the ending of their 1989 movie When Harry Met Sally and teased that something “iconic” was in the works.

Today, we found it what it was. What is it? A Hellman’s commercial which will air during the second quarter of the Super Bowl.

In the advertisement, the actors go back to Katz’s Deli, and Ryan eats a turkey sandwich. At first, it does nothing for her. But then she adds Hellman’s mayonnaise to it, and she has another orgasm! However, unlike the last one, Crystal says, “This one’s real!”

I am surprised Hellman’s went there because I always think of them as a wholesome company! It’s nice to see they have a naughty side. Because, after all, you cannot say condiment without saying condom!

And that is why my advertising teachers told me not to go into advertising—the bad sexual jokes.

Side note: I wonder how Rob Reiner feels about Sydney Sweeney saying the line his mom did in the film he directed.

Finally, we all figured out that it was going to be a Super Bowl ad. But who did you think they were going to promote?

One more thing. Katz’s Deli teamed up with Hellman’s to release a “What She’s Having” Sandwich Package, which includes 1lb hand-carved turkey breast, half loaf deli rye bread (approx 16 slices), squeeze bottle of Hellman’s mayonnaise, 1lb Swiss cheese, 1 quart Katz’s half-sour (new) pickles, 1lb hand-carved juicy pastrami, 8oz deli mustard, and 1 old-world chocolate babka for dessert. Does it sound like something you would like to have by game day, then you need to order it by February 9th. And for $120, it’s a bargain!


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