Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2025 » January
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Is Tippi Hedren really 95?
January 20th, 2025 under Melanie Griffith. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday was Tippi Hedren’s 95th birthday. However, you would never know it by looking at the video her daughter, Melanie Griffith, shared.

The legendary actress looks like she is the same age as her daughter, in her mid-60s.

I assume her secret is having a home full of exotic animals. Maybe if I can convince my cat is a lion, I can age like The Birds actress.


BTWF: Tom Bergeron on 100.3 WHEB
January 20th, 2025 under Before They Were Famous, Tom Bergeron. [ Comments: none ]

Before Tom Bergeron hosted Dancing with the Stars, he was singing on 100.3 WHEB. How cute was the 26-year-old with his winged hair back in 1981?

Here is what Bergeron wrote about the video: “Here’s a #throwback for ya! Back in 1981, while hosting a nightly radio show in NH on @1003wheb, my newsman Jack “Ace” Mesmer, told me about a former teacher of his. Her name was Georgeanne Shuffelbarger. I, of course, found that name ripe for a song parody. So, a few months later, during a live broadcast from what is now @theseacoastrep (then Theatre by the Sea), I was joined by the wonderful Randa McNamara & Georgeanne’s anthem premiered “


Kid Rock flirts with a married BBC reporter live on the air
January 20th, 2025 under Kid Rock. [ Comments: none ]

Donald Trump is only surrounded by the worst people. Case in point. Kid Rock was being interviewed by BBC’s Caitríona Perry today, and he decided to tell her she sounds sexy, even though he could not see what she looks like.

When he told her he could not see her, she told him she looks like she is ready to “hit the slopes.” To which he replied, “I love to go skiing. You sound sexy. You wanna go with me,” as he shrugged his left shoulder.

She awkwardly laughed as she told him, “Well, we won’t get into that right here. There is no skiing today. We’ve got a day of broadcasting to do.”

That liveshot was totally cringeworthy, and I feel for Perry, who has been reported as happily married with two children. As if the freezing temperatures were not enough for her to deal with, she had to be asked by the disgraced singer. No wonder his marriage to Pamela Anderson didn’t even last four months.


Ryan Seacrest debuts his beard!
January 20th, 2025 under American Idol 9+, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

We have not seen Ryan Seacrest since the clock struck midnight on January 1st. Since then, he has changed his appearance.

The host of American Idol is now sporting a beard. And it is pretty impressive growth for a week (this video is old but I just saw it today). Who knew he could grow facial hair like that?

I wonder who inspired him: Luke Bryan, Lionel Richie, or both.

Do you like it, or do you think he needs to break up with her?


Can you feel the love tonight?
January 20th, 2025 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Donald Trump went to kiss his “wife,” Melania Trump at that thingy I don’t want to mention, and it was colder than the temperatures outside in Washington, D.C.

The former nude model was covered up, wearing a hat that the Hamburglar wished he could have in his collection. It appears she knew what she was doing by keeping, what I assume, his smelly breath and dry lips away from her face.

I can’t say I blame her. But the gold digger got what she deserved, and I hope they are as miserable as they seem to be. They made their beds, so they deserve everything they get.


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