Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2024 » August
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BTWF: William Daniels in Naked City
August 19th, 2024 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before William Daniels was a surgeon on St. Elsewhere, he needed one after he got shot on Naked City. You can recognize the then 34-year-old’s iconic voice in that 1961 episode.


Relative Race will be back next month
August 19th, 2024 under BYU TV. [ Comments: none ]

BYU announced today that the best Reality show on television will be back on September 22nd.

Four new teams of two people will travel the country to meet relatives they have never met on Relative Race, and some might meet a parent for the first time. Therefore, you have to watch this heartfelt show with tissues because you never know when you are going to cry. But there will be tears.

If you have never seen Relative Race, you can watch the first lucky 13 seasons on the BYU app or


Gina Rodriguez joins Will Trent
August 19th, 2024 under Jane the Virgin, Ramón Rodríguez. [ Comments: none ]

(ABC/Scott Everett White)]

ABC might’ve cancelled Not Dead Yet, but that does not mean that they are done with Gina Rodriguez. The actress has been cast to star alongside Ramón Rodríguez (no relation) in season 3 of Will Trent.

According to Deadline, she “will portray Marion Alba, a charismatic, confident Assistant District Attorney new to Atlanta. After her first encounter with Will falls flat, the pair is surprised to learn that they must work together to investigate a crime in the world of Atlanta gangs.”

Will Trent will return with new episodes in 2025.


Danielle Fishel reveals she has breast cancer
August 19th, 2024 under Danielle Fishel.. [ Comments: none ]

Danielle Fishel had something about her health to share with her fans, so she told her audience today on Pod Meets World.

“I was recently diagnosed with DCIS, which stands for Ductal carcinoma in situ, which is a form of breast cancer,” she told Rider Strong and Will Friedle. “It’s very, very, very early. It’s technically stage zero.”

She then said because it was caught so early, she will be fine. She will have to go under the knife and then preventative treatment, but that is all for now.

At first, the Boy Meets World star wanted to keep it private. But she decided to share it with everyone in case her diagnosis can help someone else.

The actress made time to get a mammogram, and her cancer was caught very early. So, she is encouraging others to do the same.

Hopefully, she will be cancer free shortly.


Just when you thought that Idris Elba could not get any cuter…
August 19th, 2024 under Idris Elba. [ Comments: none ]

Idris Elba is one of the sexiest actors alive, according to People.

But did you know he is also one of the cutest? The actor shared an instructional video of him putting his index fingers over his eyebrows and the tips of his thumbs on his nostrils. Then he moved them forward to tell us they mean, “I miss you!”

And now I am missing him because I just want to hug him for that.

See, isn’t he the cutest?


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