Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2022
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Brooke Shields should not do TikTok dances
December 23rd, 2022 under Brooke Shields. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know what Brooke Shields was doing at Studio 54, but it wasn’t dancing. That is because no one could go there during the height of Disco and dance like that today.

Good thing that the club is closed because it would shut down after watching her do whatever that was.


John Stamos dumps the beard!
December 23rd, 2022 under John Stamos. [ Comments: none ]


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John Stamos has finally done it. He has gotten rid of the beard. Not his wife, but the hair that was growing on his face and hiding his natural beauty!

Christmas came early, and it came on his face. Oh, wait…


Hot Links!
December 23rd, 2022 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

John Mayer/Instagram

Why doesn’t John Mayer date anymore? – Celebitchy

Which couple are shitty tippers? – Dlisted

Jeff Garlin got another acting job – Pajiba

Megan Fox showing off her cleavage – The Nip Slip

Kendall Jenner in her underwear – Drunken Stepfather

Is Back to the Future getting a cartoon reboot? – Screen Rant


Watch this Sports guy get crankier doing weather live shots
December 23rd, 2022 under TV News. [ Comments: 8 ]

Mark Woodley is a Sports reporter/anchor at KWWL in Waterloo, Iowa. However, they asked him to switch up his hours and work the morning show that starts at 4:30a. Not as an anchor, but as a reporter out in the field to cover the snow blizzard.

To say that he was not happy about that would be an understatement. Instead of acting like he didn’t mind that he was freezing his ass off in the middle of the night, he let them know how unhappy he was about the assignment during every liveshot.

Therefore, giving them the best morning newscast in their history!

So the moral of this news story is that you need to screw with the sports guys more often! Believe me; they deserve it! If you have ever worked in a newsroom, you know what I am talking about.

Although, I can tell that Woodley is a lot of fun to work with. And now that 2021’s Iowa Sportscaster of the Year has gone viral, I have a feeling that they are going have him cover news more often! And I hope they do because we need more people like him in the news. Just don’t tell my friends that I said that.


BTWF: Seth Green in Charlie’s Christmas Secret
December 23rd, 2022 under Before They Were Famous, Seth Green. [ Comments: none ]

Before Seth Green worked for his dad Austin Powers, he was a paperboy in Charlie’s Christmas Secret. How cute was the 10-year-old in that 1984 episode?


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