Thanks to Coca-Cola, we believe that Santa Claus is supposed to be an old jolly fat white man with white hair and a beard. However, the New England Santa Society is trying to change that.
The group of Santas who meet once a month are welcoming of different Santas. All are welcome at Santa Camp, no matter what. They can be Mrs. Clauses. They can be African American. They can be transgender. They can also be disabled. As long as they believe they are the real Kris Kringle, they are in.
HBO Max’s Santa Camp shows us that Santas come in all sizes and colors, but the thing they all have in common is that they love making children happy all year round.
So get to know the people who live and love the man in the red suit in the documentary that is streaming now.
It is nice to get to know that the men who delight children every December are just as delightful as they seem.
Christmas is coming early for fans of The George Lopez Show. That is because, on December 16th, George Lopez is staging a reunion of his old sitcom on his new NBC one Lopez vs Lopez.
Constance Marie, Valente Rodriguez, Luis Armand Garcia, and Belita Moreno are all going to guest star on a Christmas-themed episode.
We don’t know what they will be doing on the series, but who cares. It is nice to see Lopez’s TV families collide in one episode.
Hopefully, we will be seeing more of them in the future.
Even though Sylvester Stallone starred as The Italian Stallion in 1970, he was told he was not Italian enough to be an extra for the wedding scene in The Godfather.
Did he fuhgeddaboudit and the people that didn’t cast him? No! Did he get revenge? Hell, yes!
Stallone told Jessica Shaw on her SiriusXM radio show that 35 years later, he hired the person who told him that. And then he spent every day asking his employee if he was Italian enough now.
While that was that guy, what about Francis Ford Coppola? Stallone got his revenge on the director before the ’70s ended. And his story takes the cake…literally.
It was the late ’70s, and Stallone was riding high from Rocky winning Best Picture at the Oscars. Coppola was working on a movie called Apocalypse Now and needed a leading man. The actor was brought in to meet with him.
He gets to the director’s office at noon and waits to see him. However, the clock keeps moving, but Stallone is stuck waiting to see him. He thinks maybe if he shows the director a picture of him with Copolla’s sister, Talia Shire, who played Adrienne, it will help get him seen. But it didn’t work.
When 5:15p rolls around, a hungry Stallone is pissed and goes into the coffee room. That is where he sees a 7-layer jelly cake, and it looked scrumptious. Just as he was going to take some, he noticed a toothpick with a flag on it that read, “Hands off! Property of Francis.”
What does he do next? Stallone went all Rocky on the cake and smashed it like it was Apollo Creed’s face. And then he left the office covered in cake.
How did Copolla react? He called up Stallone screaming. He was so mad. Actually, the Oscar winner went so berzerk that he threw his statuette out the window.
Obviously, Stallone didn’t get the part, and he is OK with that. That is because he heard it was a hard production to work on.
And it all worked out in the end. Stallone did his own war film. You might’ve heard of it; it is called Rambo. I would rather watch that any day over Apocalypse Now.
So the moral of the story is never tell an Italian from Hell’s Kitchen; he is not Italian enough if you want to have your cake and eat it too.