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This is what Bret Michaels’ hair looks like from behind
December 17th, 2021 under Bret Michaels. [ Comments: none ]

For as long as I can remember, Bret Michaels has worn a bandana on top of his head. Because of that, I have always wondered what the top of his head looks like. Is he bald? Is he not a natural blonde? Does he have a second head growing out of it? So many questions.

And finally, we have an answer because the singer of Poison shared the above photo yesterday. He is not bald. He is a natural blonde. And there is no second head.

So now I have a new question. Why does he cover it up? Things that make you go hmmmm.


Khloé Kardashian went blonde
December 17th, 2021 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Khloé Kardashian is constantly changing up her looks. So much so, we can barely recognize her at times.

Normally, she does something to her face. However, this time she dyed her hair blonde and went curly.

Do you think she should keep it, or go back to how it used to be?


Hot Links!
December 16th, 2021 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess who is taking a bath? – Celebitchy

Who makes $45,000 a week selling her farts? – Dlisted

Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum did a movie – Pajiba

Want to see the How I Met Your Father trailer? – Screen Rant

Victoria Beckham lifts weights that weigh more than her – DS

Chris Noth accused of raping two women – The Hollywood Reporter


MacGruber is back and better than ever
December 16th, 2021 under Peacock, Reese Witherspoon/Ryan Phillippe, Will Forte. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 2007, the World got to know super soldier MacGruber on Saturday Night Live. Three years later, he graduated to the big screen for a feature film. Now, eleven years after, he has his own series on Peacock, and it starts streaming today.

When we last left off, it was MacGruber’s (Will Forte) wedding day to Vicki St. Elmo (Kristen Wiig). However, his mortal enemy Cunth showed up and tried to kill them. But MacGruber threw him off a cliff, shot him, and peed on his corpse. So everyone got a happy ending.

Or so we thought. MacGruber has been in prison for killing Cunth. However, he is about to get out because Queeth (Billy Zane) has kidnapped the President’s daughter. In order for POTUS to get her back, Queeth wants MacGruber. So the President says that MacGruber can get out for the exchange.

MacGruber agrees, even though he knows it will be a suicide mission. General Barrett Fasoose (Laurence Fishburne), who is now married to Vicki, takes him to the desert for the exchange. Unfortunately, things go wrong, and Queeth takes MacGruber.

Eventually, he escapes and is reunited with Vicki and Piper (Ryan Phillipe). They decide to take down Queeth, who is planning on destroying the World with a bioweapon.

MacGruber also wants to take out Queeth because he killed his mother and destroyed his father (Sam Elliott). But is he smart enough to do it? We are talking about MacGruber, who is good at blowing things up, and I am not only talking about with explosions. Thankfully, he is not doing it alone. He has Vicki and Piper to help him out with every hair-brained scheme he comes with to take down Queeth.

MacGruber is full of twists and turns. Just when you think you know what is going to happen next, they surprise you. That is what makes this the type of show you can binge in one sitting. Well, that and all the laughs that you will get by watching.

Even though it is Forte’s show, he shares the spotlight with his co-stars. How Phillippe doesn’t break down in hysterics through the eight episodes is beyond me. He deserves an award just for that. Wiig is also impressive with the role because she can keep up with Forte, even in the scenes where they are making love. And on that note, there is nudity. Did that get you to tune in?

MacGruber is just silly fun. There are days you need that, and this series delivers.

If you haven’t seen the movie, and are afraid you won’t know what is going on, don’t worry. Maya Rudolph, who played his first wife, sings a song to catch you up. So you are ready to go.

However, if you have seen the movie, then just like the film. It is Forte doing what he does best, and that is making us laugh with his wit. He is smart while playing stupid. That is not an easy task, but he is so good at it.


BTWF: Steph Curry for Burger King
December 16th, 2021 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Steph Curry was one of the greatest basketball player of all-time, he knew he wanted to be one. How cute was the 6-year-old in that 1994 Burger King commercial?


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