Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2021 » May
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Teri Hatcher showers with her dog
May 7th, 2021 under Taking a bath, Teri Hatcher. [ Comments: none ]

Some dogs are easy to bathe; others are nightmares. Teri Hatcher came up with a solution to make sure her puppy gets clean. What is her secret? Getting in the shower with Pumpkin.

“Any of you that might have fantasized about showering with Pumpkin…let me tell you…it did not disappoint! 😂🛀 🧼” she wrote. “Fun to have someone to shower with.”

And I am sure, for the boys, it is fun for them to see her only wearing fur, a furbaby.


There was a shark sighting on the LA beaches
May 7th, 2021 under Barbara Corcoran. [ Comments: none ]

Normally when someone screams shark on an LA beach, everyone runs away from it. However, when they screamed shark this time, they ran towards Shark Tank’s Barbara Corcoran.

Tune into her show tonight at 8p on ABC to see if the entrepreneurs will do the same.

BYW If it was Mr. Wonderful, who was on the beach, then they would’ve been screaming beached whale.


Hot Links!
May 6th, 2021 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who has legs and knows how to use them? – Drunken Stepfather

Will Smith deserves this – Pajiba

Has Ellen DeGeneres hit hard times? – Dlisted

The teaser for Stranger Things season 4 – Screen Rant

How bad is the child porn that Josh Duggar had? – Celebitchy


Chandra Wilson and James Pickens Jr. want you to get the COVID-19 vaccine
May 6th, 2021 under Coronavirus, Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: none ]

Grey’s Anatomy’s Chandra Wilson and James Pickens Jr. play doctors on television, so they are qualified to tell you to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Therefore, they teamed up with The Creative Coalition, and did a PSA saying to get one.

If you are not going to listen to the real doctors, at least listen to the fake ones. The only way we are going to end this pandemic is if people get the vaccine. Please do it. It is better than getting coronavirus.

Remember it is not all about you. It is about the people around you. Stop being selfish, and think of others.


BTWF: Chandra Wilson in Sexual Considerations
May 6th, 2021 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Chanda Wilson was the Chief of Surgery on Grey’s Anatomy, she was in high school in Sexual Considerations. She looks the same now as when she was 22 in that 1992 CBS Schoolbreal Special.


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