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You’ll never look at mall Santas the same way after A Creepshow Holiday Special
December 18th, 2020 under Shudder. [ Comments: none ]

For some reason, there seems to be a lack of Christmas Horror movies this year. Thankfully, Shudder came down our chimney and delivered a huge present with A Creepshow Holiday Special.

Robert Weston (Adam Pally) has been going through a change. More specifically, he has been going through that change once a month when there is a full moon. Thankfully, someone referred him to Shapeshifters Anonymous. He is not really sure why, but they are there to help him.

As soon as Robert enters, he is greeted by Irena (Anna Camp). He tells her he thinks he is a Werewolf. She explains to him that even though they are the most popular of the shapeshifters, no one in the group is one. She shares with him that she is a Werecheetah, Scott (Peter Burris) is a Weretortoise, Andy (Frank Nicotero) is a Wereboar, Ryan (Derek Russo) is unknown, and Phyllis (Candy McLellan) is a furry.

The group decides to do a test on Robert to find out what he is. They also reveal to him their origin story that is as old as Adam and Eve. When they are done, they are all surprised to discover what he is. Not as surprised as when they find out that Santa Claus is coming to town.

You see, Kris Kringle is not the same man to them as we know him as. He was created to kill shapeshifters. Now, Old Saint Nick knows where they are, so he is bringing as many mall Santas with him to kill them all.

The Shapeshifters prepare for battle, and it is going to be a bloody one. It is Shapeshifters vs Santas, and their red suits will be covered in blood. Just when it looks like one side is winning, the real man in the red suit comes in to finish them off.

Only one side can claim victory; will it be the nice guys or the naughty ones? Which side is which? That is for you to decide.

One thing you don’t have to decide is how much you are going to eat up this special episode that is streaming now on Shudder.

You are also going to enjoy seeing a different side of Anna Camp. Someone needs to give the sweet girl from Pitch Perfect a Horror movie because she is so good at playing bad. Pally, on the other hand, is the same as he always is, but it works for this character. Everything works! So why are you still reading and not watching Santas getting slaughtered?


Did Christina Aguilera really turn 40 today?
December 18th, 2020 under Christina Aguilera. [ Comments: 1 ]

Want to feel old? Today is Christina Aguilera’s 40th birthday. Want to feel better? She doesn’t even look it. Well, that will make her feel better.

Anyways, the singer showed her curves by wearing a skin-tight black and gold bodysuit that highlights her hourglass figure as she shook her tail feather to Meghan Thee Stallion’s Body. That is the perfect song for Xtina because today is all about her body.


Paramount is working on a new version of Little House on the Prairie
December 18th, 2020 under Stupid Sequels/Remakes. [ Comments: none ]
Back in 1974, television audiences fell in love with the Ingalls family. Ever since then, Little House on the Prairie has been airing nonstop in syndication on multiple channels. Therefore, it should make sense that someone would want to bring it back for today’s audience. That studio is Paramount.

According to Entertainment Weekly, it is in the beginning stages. However, I have no doubt that someone will pick up the beloved series. That is unless they majorly f*ck it up. I don’t think it is possible to mess up Laura Ingalls Wilder’s story. It is the perfect wholesomeness we all need now. Then again, they can CWify it. Imagine dark and brooding Half Pint and bitchy Nellie Olesen.

Well, the latter would be the same. On that note, EW says that Alison Arngrim is more than willing to play her TV mother, Mrs. Oleson.

That is one role filled, Trevor Donovan made a case for another one the day before the announcement. “I’m holding out for the Little House on the Prairie reboot/revival. Got my eyes set on that Charles Ingalls role. Crossed fingers,” the actor wrote. He would be perfect as the patriarch.

Would you watch a 2020 take on the 1870s?


Georgia male strippers want you to get your poles to polls
December 18th, 2020 under Politics. [ Comments: none ]

On January 5th, Georgia is going to vote for which two senators they are going to send to the United States Congress. Will it be Democrats, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, or the two republicans?

If both Dems go, then the Democrats control the Senate. If either republican wins, then Mitch McConnell, one of the worst senators in American history, stays in charge for another two years. So as you can see, it is imperative that the people get out to vote.

Stacey Abrams and other Georgia Democrats have come up with creative ways to get people out to vote. However, Axel Roldos has come up with an ad to get people really excited to vote. He asked male strippers to show off their pole skills to get their neighbors out to the polls.

I no longer live in Georgia, but this made me want to vote there. Actually, as a former resident, who hated almost all of her time in the peach state, I really hope Democrats come out and vote. I hated so many things about the state, but the thing I hated most is that it still felt segregated. It is 2020; let’s show the state and the country that you are no longer living like it is 1820. Vote. Make your voices heard, or nothing is going to change. We need the change, be part of it.

If you don’t live in Georgia, then just watch the video because who doesn’t like looking at male strippers? I miss going to male strip clubs. Don’t get me started on the strip club that was a mile away from where I lived in Atlanta.


David Beckham goes from golden balls to silver bells
December 18th, 2020 under The Beckhams. [ Comments: none ]

As soon I saw this photo of David Beckham holding silver bells, I know there had to be a golden balls joke there. Something about his golden balls shrinking and being downgraded a medal color. Instead of saying it aloud, I just let the picture speak for itself.


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