Michelle Obama is debuting a podcast tomorrow on Spotify, but I think she should do a vodcast to show off her sexy legs. Look at those gams on the 56-year-old lady. They put the lady in First Lady. I don’t know what that means either.
Seriously, I miss having a First Lady who was naturally va-va-voom. Unlike the one we have now that is made out of plastic. The current one couldn’t pose like that because she only knows how to be fake. Plus, it is hard to sit like that when you have a broomstick up your butt. That is what happens when you stop short.
It is not about her. It is about Michelle Obama, who is showing us how to be best as she chats with her husband, Barack Obama. It is going to be nice to hear them playfully talk to each other. I wonder what they will reveal in their not so secret chat. I guess we will have to tune in tomorrow to find out. I can’t wait!
Dylan McDermott received an Emmy nomination for his work in Netflix’s Hollywood today. The second time he has been nominated for one. The last time he got the honor was in 1999 for The Practice.
After a 21 year drought, you would think he would be excited about it. And you would be right. He was so happy, he did a dance. Not one that would win an Emmy, but it definitely won our hearts.
I am rooting for him because I thought he gave an Emmy worthy performance for the work he did on the period drama. Then again, I thought that he and Dermott Mulroney deserved it for LA to Vegas.
Barbara Corcoran recently showed us that she, not a maid, actually cleans her own bathtub. Now, she is showing us that she also washes the floors in her bathroom.
Isn’t this shocking that Shark Tank Shark, who has enough money to buy companies, does her own dirty work?
She doesn’t clean the floors like the rest of us, so she showed us her fun trick. First, she sprays the dirty area with Windex. That is right, the real estate mogul uses something you can buy in Walmart for $3.
Back to her method of maidness, get it? Sorry. Corcoran then puts two hand towels on the floors, steps on them, and then glides on the floor like an ice skater. Then when the whole area is cleaned, it is time to turn the cloths over and repeat the motion to dry the tile.
The Shark has almost as much fun doing that as when she beats Kevin O’Leary out on a deal on Shark Tank.
Due to people not wearing masks in Los Angeles, television production has barely begun in the city. While the Soap Operas are back at work, very little else is, and it doesn’t look like much else will start anytime soon.
Wendi McLendon-Covey revealed this weekend that The Goldbergs has no set start date because of the pandemic. The Bachelorette fled their LA mansion for a remote undisclosed resort. The dating show is not the only ABC series to change locals. Deadline is reporting that Shark Tank will be filming their 12th season in Las Vegas.
The site says that the crew and Sharks are staying in one location to minimize their risk to catching COVID-19. Even though the show airs over 22 weeks, they actually only film over 2, two-week time periods. This way they can rush out half a season in a quarantine period.
Looks ABC’s fall will now pretty much be The Bachelorette, Shark Tank, and Dancing with the Stars. I wonder if the latter will go to Vegas too. Imagine Bruno Tonioli in Vegas? Good thing what happens there, stays there.
BTW I hope for their first episode they have products that can help us fight the coronavirus pandemic like masks, hand sanitizers, and ultraviolet lights.