Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2020 » February
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Alicia Silverstone makes cleaning up dog pee look glamorous
February 13th, 2020 under Alicia Silverstone. [ Comments: none ]

On Sunday night, Alicia Silverstone was ready to go ball, aka the Vanity Fair Oscar party, when, just like Cinderella, she was stuck getting on her knees cleaning the floor. Not because her evil stepsisters made a mess. Instead her evil dog peed on the floor.

When you are mom, you have to do what mom’s do. No one cares if you are wearing a one-of-a-kind Christian Siriano dress. If you do not do it, no one else will. That is when a small mess, turns into a big one because the puppy will step in the pee and get it all over the house. Now, your house smells like it and who wants to wash the floors after a long night of partying.

To see her beautiful gown when she is standing up, then click here!


Sam Heughan cleans up well
February 13th, 2020 under Sam Heughan. [ Comments: 2 ]

We are so used to seeing Sam Heughan as Jamie on Outlander that we are not used to seeing him all showered in a suit. However, he suited up for his interview with Nobleman Magazine, and he is looking very noble.

While he looks so dashing all cleaned up, I think, we can all agree, he looks handsome no matter what. I even can’t wait to see him bloodied in Bloodshot exactly a month from now.


Eric Stonestreet is a sad clown
February 13th, 2020 under Modern Family. [ Comments: none ]
We all know that know Modern Family is ending, and that makes us sad. However, we are not as sad as Eric Stonestreet, who filmed his emotional reaction of the cast and crew preparing for their final table read.

If it is getting to him this much now, wait until the final day of taping. He will be a complete wreck. Kind of like how he will be on April 8th because you know they are going to for the heartstrings during the 250th episode.


Hot Links!
February 12th, 2020 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who is wearing leather underwear? – Celebitchy

Oscar gossip! – Pajiba

Who faked a pregnancy? – Dlisted

Whose skirt blew up? – Drunken Stepfather

Jon Hann walked the runway – Go Fug Yourself

Which ’90s movie is getting a TV series? – Screen Rant


Liev Schreiber hints Ray Donovan might live on
February 12th, 2020 under Liev Schreiber. [ Comments: none ]

Last week, Showtime announced that they were not moving forward with another season of Ray Donovan. Liev Schreiber asked fans of the show to let the network know that they wanted more of the popular show.

Well, it sounds like their voices were heard because the actor had some good news to share. He wrote, “It’s hard to describe how amazing it feels to those of us in the Ray Donovan family who have been lucky enough to experience the overwhelming love and support that all of you have expressed for our show since the news broke that Ray would not return.

“What’s even more incredible is that it seems your voices have been heard.

“Too soon to say how or when, but with a little luck and your ongoing support, there will be more Ray Donovan.

“So to all the Donofans who got their bats out and beat the odds. Thank you.”

Since he did not say how it will live on, I have two guesses on how the series might be back. I think it will either get a telemovie on Showtime or they will give it a final season on CBS AllAccess. The other Viacom networks are rumored to be joining the streaming service in the future.

Personally, I can’t believe they canceled the show because I thought it was one of its highest-rated shows. However, I never followed their numbers.


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