The Elf on the Shelf made its 5th appearance at the Macy*s Thanksgiving Day Parade, but I never noticed him before. Now that I have, I cannot help but to notice that he looks like he is squatting out a big one while on a camping trip. And by the smile on his face, he is proud of how big it is. Don’t you agree?
BTW am I the only person who likes to go to people’s houses with kids that have the Elf hanging around, and touching them in front of the children? Is that wrong?
The Hollywood Foreign Press Association announced today who is going to host the 75th annual Golden Globes and on January 7th Seth Meyers will be the master of ceremonies for the big event. HFPA President Meher Tatna said in a statement. “With his natural comedic wit and innate ability to charm audiences, Seth will help us carry on the celebratory tradition of recognizing the best in television and film at the Party of the Year.”
I cannot wait to see what he does because I think people underestimate him. He has proven to be the best late night interviewer and political satirist on the big 3 networks. Hopefully, other people will finally see what I see and watch him every night.
I am thankful for all of you, so thank you from the bottom of what is left of my heart.
May you enjoy the best Thanksgiving episode ever to fly on to our televisions above. May you be as stuffed after dinner as the turkey was before it went into the oven. May you survive your family and friends today. May you get the best Black Friday deals tomorrow and not get trampled getting them. Most importantly may you have a happy Thanksgiving!
Before Morgan was a New Jersey principal trying to making a difference in Lean on Me, he was married to a teacher who was making a difference in Chicago on The Marva Collins Story. Didn’t he play the perfect husband when he was 44 in that 1981 inspiring telemovie?