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November 29th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who is wearing her PJs on the red carpet? – Dlisted

Poor Emily – The Hollywood Gossip

Kate Moss nude again – The Nip Slip

Who is a bitch to her fans? – GCeleb

Who ghosted Bella Habid? – Celebitchy

Who is returning to Bravo? – Starcasm

What is Joe Scarborough's unsolved mysteries? – Pajiba


Ghosted finally gets additional episodes
November 29th, 2017 under Fox. [ Comments: 1 ]

The last new show of the season to find out its fate, got its future handed to it today. Fox asked the paranormal comedy for 6 more episodes. According to Deadline, part of the condition for the pickup is that they change showrunners and turn it into a workplace comedy as compared to one where they seek out the strange.

When will Fox learn that is not good idea. They screwed up Breaking In when they interfered in that way and now they are doing the same thing to Ghosted. If they really want to fix a show, they need to work on Gifted. That Sci Fi show went from good to bad in 5 episodes.


BTWF roles: Christopher Plummer in The Sound of Music
November 29th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Christopher Plummer played the richest man in the world in All the Money in the World, he played a man who lost most of his money during the depression. It’s obvious to tell why he is still working today because he was so captivating at 34 in that 1965 movie.


American Housewife’s Katy Mixon is pregnant again!
November 29th, 2017 under American Housewife, Katy Mixon. [ Comments: none ]

On May 19th, Katy Mixon welcomed her son, Kingston, and now 4 days after his first birthday she is welcoming her second child with fiance’ Breaux Greer. She told Access Hollywood Live, that this time around she is having a girl and that she is a surprise that she was not expecting. For all those people who say you cannot get pregnant while you are breastfeeding, they lied. She said, it was when her milk dried up that she found out she was having baby #2.

Luckily, she is on a show, where her EP told her it is OK to get pregnant if she wants to because her character is not supposed to be stick thin on the sitcom. Granted the EP told her that for the first season, but it works for the second one too. Right?

When it comes to if her pregnancy will be written into American Housewife, she said as of now she does not know. Ali Wong, who plays one of her best friends on the show, is also pregnant in real life and her pregnancy was written into the show that airs Wednesdays at 9:30p on ABC. Which makes you wonder if there is something in the water there. Even though both of them got pregnant on hiatus.


American Housewife responds to Norwalk
November 29th, 2017 under American Housewife. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know about you, but whenever any show or movie mentions my hometown, I get excited. Granted it is also why I cannot watch Riverdale because they tainted my hometown’s name. And that is exactly how the people of Norwalk feel about American Housewife.

In fact, State Representative Fred Wilms, wrote the head of ABC Entertainment a letter and said, “It saddens me that your program, ‘American Housewife’, pejoratively references students in my hometown of Norwalk, Connecticut. I am a longtime resident of Norwalk and both of my children attended Norwalk public schools. Additionally I am privileged to represent Norwalk in the Connecticut General Assembly. I respectfully request that your show stop making demeaning remarks about Norwalk.”

And with that Dedrich Bader, the show’s star responded to a fan who asked him about it on Twitter and said, “We are officially expunging Norwalk jokes from our repertoire.” Which is sad because I am sure there are a lot of Norwalkers who liked hearing their city mentioned on TV. Just like every time I hear Law & Order: SVU or Blue Bloods mention Riverdale. I don’t care that they say that a murder or heinous crime happened there, I just like hearing Riverdale being uttered from their lips.

In others words, Wilms get over it! It was rival towns do.


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