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March 5th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who that Cavegirl is? – Dlisted

Who has a wedgie? – Celebslam

Drag Adele and Adele! – The Wow Report

Nicki Minaj lets her boob hang out – GCeleb

Bella Thorne accidentally goes topless – The Nip Slip

Which one from One Direction got arrested? – Farandulista

The real reason Natalie Portman wasn't at the Oscars – Celebitchy


Making History is the wackiest time traveling done since Bill & Ted’s
March 5th, 2017 under Fox. [ Comments: none ]
This season has been full of time travel shows, but Making History is the only comedy version of them. What Fox does with Making History tonight at 8:30p will change your perception of the season’s theme.

Dan (Adam Pally) is a Computer Science Professor at a college and he has secret place where he goes to on the weekends. That place is Boston in the year 1775. What? He has a time machine aka huge red duffle bag that transports back to Colonial America so he can see his girlfriend. Deborah Revere (Leighton Meester) is Paul’s daughter and she is more revolutionary than he father.

Dan has been traveling back to a time before the Revolutionary War, and it is about to get started. Only problem is Deborah’s father was out of town and didn’t warn them, “The British are coming.” Thus, our history has been changed.

He does the only thing he can do, he goes to Chris (Yassir Lester) the college’s History Professor and brings him back to the 1775 with him. Well, after a lot of convincing because who would believe him?

Once they get there, they start the War and Chris asks to stay while Deborah chooses to go with Dan to the future aka our time. When they find out something shocking about Chris, they go back to make things right.

Will they make everything right again? Of course they do, because otherwise they would be trapped going back to that time over and over until they do. And it is fun to see them go back to Chicago and hang out with Al Capone in the coming weeks.

Pally plays Dan as such a likeable Frat boy, you can’t help but to adore him. Meester gives Deborah such a naive charm, you will forget she ever did that show. Thus, you will XOXO her! Lester is perfect as their smart uptight friend who keeps them in line because if he doesn’t our time line goes to poop.

Making History is about making you happy and who doesn’t need that before they start their work week?


Time After Time is as intriguing as time travel
March 5th, 2017 under ABC. [ Comments: none ]
When I was kid, I saw a little movie called Time After Time. I don’t know what it was about that film, but it made me become obsessed with time travel and Jack the Ripper. An obsession, I still have to this day. That was my takeaway from it the 1980 classic, but it was not Kevin Williamson’s. He told me at a press event this week for the ABC Sci-Fi drama that debuts tonight at 9p on ABC, it made him a fan of H.G. Wells’ books. Time After Time is based on the book by the legendary author. Since the lauded Director is a fan of Wells, you know he is going to give the TV show based on his novel justice. He does and I can’t wait to see where he goes with the tale.

Wait up! Getting in my time machine to go back in time and tell you what Time After Time is about. Back in 1893, H.G. Wells (Freddie Stroma) has not yet written his first book, but he has built a time machine. He shows it off to his friends, one who has a secret. Dr John Stevenson (Josh Bowman) is the notorious Jack the Ripper.

When the police come for Stevenson, he escapes in the time machine to our time. Now, Wells is going to go after him.

When Wells arrives in our time, Jane (Génesis Rodríguez), the curator whose museum is housing Wells’ invention, greets him. She doesn’t believe that the inventor of the museum’s prize possession is standing in front of her. Therefore, she lets him go.

A few hours after she lets him go, the museum’s wealthy owner Vanessa Anders (Nicole Ari Parker) visits her and she wants to know where the two men who came to her via the time machine are. She tells Jane to find them or she will be fired.

A few hours after that, Wells and Stevenson meet up at a hotel lobby and the cat and mouse chase begins. Just as Wells chases after his cat, he is hit by a car and taken to the hospital.

The only ID Wells had on him is Jane’s business card, so they contact her. The two are reunited and she takes the stranger home with her. She again asks him who is he, and again he tells her he is Wells. She doesn’t believe that the man standing in front of her is someone who lived over 100 years ago. Do you blame her?

Eventually he finally convinces her that he is whom he says he is by taking her to the future. That is when they learn, she is the cheese that the cat will use to lure in his mouse.

And that is just the beginning of the season that is about two men from the past living in our time trying to stop the other one. One is inherently good, the other is evil. There is one woman who understands and knows them both. What happens next no one knows. Which is why I wish I had a time machine, so I can fast forward in time to next week to see the next episode.

Like I said, earlier this week I was at a press event with Kevin Williamson, Josh Bowman and Génesis Rodríguez. They talked about a lot of things about the excellent show, and Williamson explained his Jack the Ripper. He told us, “Jack the Ripper comes to modern day, who is this serial killer who in his day, and as he clearly pointed out, it wasn’t just women he was interested in. We are not doing the dark history of his mother damaging him and for some reason he is seeking out women of the night in alleyways. He is doing it because it’s opportunity. he has a Gd complex. The only thing greater than going into a hospital and saving a human life is taking it. And he can’t do that in his profession because he is a narcissist. He has to win and be the best at everything, so the only way to express that impulse is to go out to the alleyways and kill vagrants and homeless men where there is opportunity.

“But when he gets to modern day New York, he has a crisis of conscience. He comes up and says, ‘Okay, I kill people. That’s what I do. I’m sick. I get it.’ And he reads about himself and sees how sick and twisted he is and goes, ‘Okay. I need a makeover. I need to reinvent myself.’ There has got to be another way I can exploit my sickness. He even sees it in himself. He can change. Jane evens points it out in episode 2. He is sitting at the bar drinking thinking, ‘Do you think people really can change,’ and we are going to see if Jack the Ripper really can change. He changes his MO a little bit. He isn’t as targeted in being this serial killer, but he is targeted in being the evil of all evil.” Understanding that makes you even more compelled to watch this drama that has stood the test of times.

Since Time After Time is a movie that has been near and dear to my heart for most of my life, I was very critical of the show’s first two episodes. What Williamson did was to exceed my expectations of brilliant television with this adaptation. Whether you are a fan of the book, the film or never heard of it, you are going to be infatuated with Time After Time from the very first second you watch it. It is a real page turner, you won’t want to shut off.


Kristen Wiig gives an Emmy winning performance on The Last Man on Earth!
March 5th, 2017 under Will Forte. [ Comments: none ]

The Last Man on Earth is finally back on Fox tonight at 9:30p and Kristen Wiig stars in the standalone episode that shows us for the first time what it was like when the virus killed almost everyone on Earth.

When we first met Phil Miller (Will Forte) the virus had almost wiped out most of the people on Earth, but we never knew what it was it was like when it was happening. In the first two and a half seasons, we have gotten glimpses of what it was like, but tonight Kristen Wiig finally shows us what really happened.

Pamela Brinton (Wiig) is a rich socialite who heads a foundation that helps dogs like her best friend Jeremy. The episode starts off with her holding a fundrasing gala and then one of the party goers suddenly collapses with blood coming from his nose. It is the first sign they will see of the virus and yet they don’t know how serious it is going to get.

In the coming days her husband and her eat breakfast as nothing going is on. Then she goes on a car ride and that is when she starts to see just how serious it is. There is one image that convinces her it is much more worse than she thought. When she gets home, she is convinced that there is a cure in the works. That is until a very funny gag that will have you applauding proves her wrong.

As time goes on the only survivors are just her husband, her, Jeremy and her arch nemesis Catherine. Catherine and her husband bought an underground bunker to go to until a cure is found. They never make it and neither does Pamela’s husband.

Pamela grabs Jeremy and they move into the bunker where they will spend the next few years. For over half of the episode, it is just her talking to her dog as they try to make time go by faster as they believe they are the Last Two Living Things on Earth. One of those ways to keep themselves busy is a drone and it gives her a glimpse of what the outside world looks like. One day, she will find out that there is life outside the bunker and that is when she will decide to go out to find those other people. And that is where the episode ends. `

Just when you think that Kristen Wiig can’t top herself, she does something like this. The Last Man on Earth gets better each week and tonight’s episode is just another shining example of that.

My only complaint is that we have to wait another week to find out what happened to our original Last People!


Mariah Carey wearing nearly no makeup
March 5th, 2017 under Mariah Carey. [ Comments: none ]

We have seen Mariah Carey wearing barely any clothes, but I don’t think we have seen her wearing barely any makeup. I guess being in a loving relationship with her much younger backup dancer has given her the courage to show her true face. You know what, she should do it more often because she looks better without all the eyeliner and such. Don’t you think she is prettier this way?


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