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BTWF music videos: Patrick Swayze in Toto’s Rosanna
March 14th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Patrick Swayze was Dirty Dancing, he was fight dancing in Toto’s Rosanna. The 29 year old old stood out in this 1982 music video, so it is no surprise that he is the one that eventually became a star.
BTW Cynthia Rhodes, the actress who played Rosanna, worked with Swayze again but this time they were dance partners in Dirty Dancing.


The family behind the interrupting kids breaks their silence!
March 14th, 2017 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]
Remember on Friday, when your day suddenly became a whole lot brighter because of 2 awwwdorable kids who interrupted their father’s serious interview on the BBC? Ever since then, you have been wondering what happened that lead to that unforgettable moment. Today, Robert E Kelly, his wife Kim Jung-A and their two children, Marion and James, broke their silence to The Wall Street Journal.

They explained what happened that lead them to becoming international sensations overnight. The father told the newspaper that it all boils down to “a comedy of errors.” Papa Kelly normal locks the door when he does interviews from his office, but for some reason he didn’t do that day. His wife was in the living room with the kids watching and recording her husband with her phone as he was on TV doing the interviews. Since she was focusing on the television, she didn’t realize that her 4 year old daughter had gotten up and ran away. She also didn’t notice that her 8 month son followed his sister like he always does, until she saw them on the television a few seconds after it happened because of the time delay. Horrified by what was happening, she tried to sneak into the room and get their children out of there. As we know, she wasn’t that sneaky. The reason why she came in the way that she did is that she was only wearing socks that caused her to glide on the hardwood floors as she rushed to her husband’s office.

When it comes to Marion, her father explained why she danced her way into the room. He said, “She was in a hippity-hoppity mood that day because of the school party.” Kelly also revealed that he knew his interview was over the second he saw his baby roll on in.

What he didn’t know is how popular that video was going to become and how his life would change. In fact, when he was done with the interview, he sent the BBC an apology letter. They actually loved it so much that they asked him if they could put it online. At first, he said no but then they decided to let them to do it. Once they did, his phone and social media blew up and they shut it all off because they want their normal lives back. They are just a normal family and it shows because parents all over the World knew his pain. That is why we can’t stop watching his family. Thank Gd for “comedy of errors,” because it is just what we all needed!


Sweaters for Chickens!
March 14th, 2017 under Animals. [ Comments: none ]

It is winter and chickens are kept outside in the freezing weather. How do they keep warm on a cold winter’s day? According to AP in Milton, Massachusetts, a knitting group of a retirees from the Fuller Village Retirement Home makes them sweaters to wear. Not only do they make them some warm clothes to put on their cold feathers, they also get to dress them up in their beautiful work. What do the ladies get? Hopefully some of the extra eggs they have been laying. That’s right production is up ever since they got some sheep on them.

Seriously though, how eggcelent is this story? They look so cute in their sweaters. Hopefully, the ladies will knit them some sexy bikinis for the summer! Why shouldn’t the chicks be fashionable all year long?


My verdict is in and Trial & Error is the best new comedy of the season!
March 14th, 2017 under John Lithgow, NBC. [ Comments: none ]

When it comes to comedies, I normally prefer old school family sitcoms. Then every now and again, a different type of comedy comes along and surprises me. Trial & Error is that comedy and you are going to want to watch the hilarious, well-done 1-hour debut tonight at 10p on NBC.

Trial & Error is a mockumentary about a man, who is accused of killing his wife, and the trial to prove his innocence or guilt in a small Southern town. Doesn’t sound like it would be something you would laugh at, but you do multiple times a minute? It is just so witty; you have to pay attention to get all of the jokes. It is not that the jokes that are hard to get, it just that there are so many of them. In addition to that, the cast is so spot on the way they deliver the writers’ brilliant words.

Larry Henderson’s (John Lithgow) wife has been murdered and he is the #1 suspect. His wife’s brother thinks he is innocent, so he hires a Yankee lawyer to represent his brother in law. Henderson is so lovable because he has a childlike innocence. You think there is no way he could have done it, but the evidence keeps stacking up against him.

Josh Simon (Nick D’Agosto) works for a big North East law firm and he is used to things being done a certain way. Down in the South, he is stuck working in a taxidermy store with two people who don’t know what they are doing. Dwayne (Steven Boyer) tried to be a cop but it didn’t work out. He is a blithering loveable idiot, but every now and again he gets something write. Anne (Sherri Shepherd) is their assistant and she suffers from more disorders than there are in the medial books. They really aren’t much help to him and he really needs it because Carol Anne Keane (Jayma Mays) will do anything to convict Henderson. She knows being a woman in the South makes it tough for her to get ahead, so she plays harder than any man. And boy does she need a man.

Each week Henderson’s case goes through a lot of twists and turns, just when you think you figured it out, something happens that completely throws you. It is just so much fun to watch this show unravel. I am six episodes in and I can’t wait to find out if Henderson did it or not. Everything points to the fact that he did, but like OJ you just don’t want that to be the case. Well at first, you didn’t want that to be the case for OJ.

I am not detailing too much about the episodes because I want you to enjoy the show as much as I am. There is an innocence to this show that just makes it so delightful to watch. Plus, every episode makes me laugh and laugh until it hurts. I sincerely, can’t sing the praises of Trial & Error enough. This is a comedy we have been waiting for, we just didn’t know it until now.


Al Roker dancing in a kilt is something you can’t unsee
March 14th, 2017 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]

The Today show is in Scotland this week and while Al Roker was there he got to learn about kilt making. Learning how to make one is one thing, but modeling a whole bunch of them is something even more exciting. That is exactly what the NBC weatherman did and all I have to say is thankfully they were up to his knees. I do not want to find out if he is a true Scot or not especially after seeing him to Right Said Fred’s I’m Too Sexy. My brain just can’t get that image out of my head.


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