Watch Halle Berry strip out of her Oscars’ gown! |
February 27th, 2017 under Halle Berry. [ Comments: none ]
What is the best thing about getting dressed up for a huge black tie party? Coming home and getting undressed.
That is exactly what Halle Berry did as soon as she got home from the Oscars. As soon as she got out of the limo, she unzipped her dress and walked towards her pool. Once she was there, off went the dress and in she went to the water. Gone was the long day and time to just relax.
Unless she got chlorine the gown, then she will be paying a very hefty price for the damage.
Did Chrissy Teigen fall asleep at the Oscars? |
February 27th, 2017 under Chrissy Teigen, Oscars. [ Comments: none ]
via Karlaaa
Let’s be honest, minus announcing the wrong film for Best Picture, the Oscars was pretty much a snoozefest. While it was bad for those of us at home, imagine what it was like for the people who were there especially the females. They spent the whole day getting ready for Hollywood’s big night, so they were probably tired. None of them as tired as Chrissy Teigen, who probably was up all night with a teething Luna. Therefore, after her husband robbed Justin Timberlake of Best Original Song, she took a little cat nap. How else would she be able to stay up for all the parties? That is when the things really get started.
The Oscars also killed a living person! |
February 27th, 2017 under Oscars. [ Comments: none ]

If you thought that Oscarsgate was the only major blunder at the Oscars, you would be mistaken. During the In Memoriam, they posted the wrong photo for Australian costume designer Janet Patterson, who passed away last year. The person was pictured was Australian producer Jan Chapman and the two worked on The Piano together.
Chapman told Variety, “I was devastated by the use of my image in place of my great friend and long-time collaborator Janet Patterson. I had urged her agency to check any photograph which might be used and understand that they were told that the Academy had it covered. Janet was a great beauty and four-time Oscar nominee and it is very disappointing that the error was not picked up.” Finally declaring, “I am alive and well and an active producer.”
You would think they would triple check whose pictures they post in the segment. There is no excuse for not airing the right photo because it is not like they include that many people. Plus, they had 4 months to find the right photo of someone who was nominated for four Oscars.
You know, the Oscars is an annual event, you would think with an year of preparation, they would get things right and not two things wrong.
PricewaterhouseCoopers comments on Oscarsgate! |
February 27th, 2017 under Oscars. [ Comments: none ]

I know many people are blaming Warren Beatty for what went wrong at the Oscars very early this morning (even though it was Faye Dunaway who declared the winner), but there is one group that doesn’t blame him. They are PricewaterhouseCoopers and they are taking blame as you can read in the below statement.
We sincerely apologize to Moonlight, La La Land, Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, and Oscar® viewers for the error that was made during the award announcement for Best Picture. The presenters had mistakenly been given the wrong category envelope and when discovered, was immediately corrected. We are currently investigating how this could have happened, and deeply regret that this occurred.
We appreciate the grace with which the nominees, the Academy, ABC, and Jimmy Kimmel handled the situation.
As of now, we only know what happened after the envelope was put in Beatty’s hands, we just don’t know how it happened. That is what we really want to know. How can someone mistake Actress in A Leading Role for Picture? Unless, they just handed them whatever red envelope was left. So many questions? How will this effect next year’s Oscars? Will they get a new firm to tally the results? Before we get to that, we just want to know what happened before someone gave Beatty the envelope. And why, out of all of the anniversaries, they thought Bonnie & Clyde was a film that deserved reuniting the cast to present the last award?
BTW the person running the Academy of Motion Pictures Twitter also thought La La Land won and sent out the below Tweet. Whoops. See, it really is a secret who wins until it is announced. Even then, as we learned today, that doesn’t mean they won.

The Oscars does a Steve Harvey and announces the wrong Best Picture |
February 26th, 2017 under Oscars. [ Comments: none ]
For months, people have been expecting that La La Land to win Best Picture at the Oscars. Therefore, when it won, no one was surprised. Well, Warren Beatty, looked surprised when he wouldn’t announce the winner and his Bonnie & Clyde co-star Faye Dunaway took a bullet for him and read La La Land as the winner.
Assuming they won, the cast and crew ran up on the stage and accepted the award. As they were wrapping up their speeches, there was commotion going on behind them. That was because, the wrong movie was announced as the winner and Moonlight was the true winner.
WTF happened? According to Beatty, he was given an envelope that read Emma Stone, La La Land and he knew something was wrong. That was why he looked like he had shampoo in his eyes.
How he was given the wrong envelope we don’t know. That is something we will find out tomorrow.
The thing we know tonight is that both the casts and crews from La La Land and Moonlight handled Oscars’ biggest mistake with class. Well the biggest mistake since Marisa Tomei won Best Supporting Actress for My Cousin Vinnie. We all went there.
When it comes to the host, not only did Jimmy Kimmel do a great job throughout the show, he handled the gaffe perfectly. I can’t wait to see what reprieve he gives everyone on Jimmy Kimmel Live tomorrow. I am sure he will at least have Beatty on the show in some form of the way. The late night host will probably blame Matt Damon for switching up the envelopes. Although, if he did, then wouldn’t he have made Manchester By the Sea the winner.
Either way, a forgettable Oscars is now forever memorable.
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