Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » January
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First Brett Eldredge says it, then he wishes he could do it!
January 6th, 2017 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]

Country Star Brett Eldredge woke up in hotel room in the Caribbean and all he wanted to do was take a leak, but there was a bigger trouser snake already in the bathroom. As in a real snake was sitting and waiting for him in the toilet. And he wasn’t going to have a measuring contest with him to see who was bigger because we all know who is going to win!
Anyways, eventually someone was brought in to remove the reptile and the singer finally had his throne back. I am sure the first thing he did was not go #1, but instead make the thing that resembles the slimy creature. You know what I am saying. That is if he had any left. Because if I saw that in my loo, I wouldn’t be sitting down as I did what I just said.


Mel Gibson dumps his beard on TV
January 6th, 2017 under Jimmy Kimmel, Mel Gibson. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live, the ABC late night show had Mel Gibson give a complete stranger a major haircut on Hollywood Blvd. He did such a bad job, the host said that it was only fair for the poor guy to shave off sugar t!ts’ beard. He agreed and off went the thick mass of fur. I say fur because he looks like a werewolf with or without the facial pubic mass. He looks more like Eddie Munster all grown up than Butch Patrick does.
To see what he looks like without the beard, then click here!


Hot Links!
January 5th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Whose small dog makes her boobs bigger? – Dlisted

Nicki Minaj's cleavage – The Nip Slip

Ashlee Simpsons' butt – Celebslam

Fergie's butt crack – Hollywood Tuna

Mariah Carey's ex is right – The Blemish

George Clooney is going to be a dad – Celebitchy


Brendan Fraser’s secret!
January 5th, 2017 under Brendan Fraser, Harry Connick Jr. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know about you, but I don’t know the last time I saw Brendan Fraser. Well here is on Harry Connick Jr’s talk show yesterday and it is breathtaking. Not because he is still sexy but also because he sang 8 lines from I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General from Pirates of Penzance without breathing. And that is his secret talent. Even though it was impressive, it was a let down. I was hoping for something more exciting, like almost anything else.


BTWF roles: Leslie Jordan in Murphy Brown
January 5th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, Boston Legal, Leslie Jordan. [ Comments: none ]

Before Leslie Jordan got away with murder on Boston Legal, he was incarcerated for a crime he didn’t commit on Murphy Brown. He looks the same now as he did when he was 33 in that 1989 episode.


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