Seriously? OMG! WTF? » First Brett Eldredge says it, then he wishes he could do it!
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[ # ] First Brett Eldredge says it, then he wishes he could do it!
January 6th, 2017 under Awesome Videos

Country Star Brett Eldredge woke up in hotel room in the Caribbean and all he wanted to do was take a leak, but there was a bigger trouser snake already in the bathroom. As in a real snake was sitting and waiting for him in the toilet. And he wasn’t going to have a measuring contest with him to see who was bigger because we all know who is going to win!
Anyways, eventually someone was brought in to remove the reptile and the singer finally had his throne back. I am sure the first thing he did was not go #1, but instead make the thing that resembles the slimy creature. You know what I am saying. That is if he had any left. Because if I saw that in my loo, I wouldn’t be sitting down as I did what I just said.


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