Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » January
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David Hasselhoff is a human snowman!
January 16th, 2017 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch. [ Comments: none ]

While people are paying close to $100 for Cryotherapy, David Hasselhoff did it for free in some snow. The hot singer, who is performing shows in Austria, decided to cool off. So he ran out into the white stuff and that is where he remains today. No word if anyone will dig him out or he will have to wait for Springtime for it to melt. Only time will tell.
Too bad he didn’t do Baywatch in a colder climate. Maybe if he did, someone would’ve rescued him by now. Or maybe he would’ve been able to rescue himself?


BTWF dance videos: Ryan Gosling for Elite Dance Studio
January 16th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, Ryan Gosling. [ Comments: none ]

via The Graham Norton Show
Before Ryan Gosling was dancing his way to an Oscar in La La Land, he was the only boy in Elite Dance Studio’s dance troupe. How ooh la la were the 11 year old’s dance moves back in 1992?
To see the full dance video, then click here!


Now you can make out with Siri and Alexa!
January 16th, 2017 under Cool Technology. [ Comments: none ]

Many people have gotten very close to their cellphones, some might even say too close. Soon they can get even closer because the Kissinger app simulates a kiss from your loved one.
For those of you whose lovers are long distance or travel a lot, then you will enjoy this device that will make it feel as though their lips are next to yours. Plus, in time it will even smell like your soulmate according to WTOP. What more could you ask for? Besides, well, that person being next to you.
Actually, this is great for teens who want to learn how to kiss. They no longer need their pillows, hands and stuffed animals to practice on. What a great world they live in.


Do you want Idris Elba to be your Valentine?
January 16th, 2017 under Idris Elba. [ Comments: none ]

Let’s be honest with each other, many of us dreamed about having Idris Elba as our Valentine’s Day’s date and never thought it would be possible. Now it can be because Omaze and him have teamed up to make that dream a reality and all for a good cause. Each entry will benefit W.E. Can Lead, who is committed to ensuring young girls receive the educational opportunity, leadership development and mentoring support necessary to become the new generation of female leaders across the continent of Africa.
What do you get besides the chance to beat his yams (I like the sound of that), a free airfare and a free room at a 4-star hotel? A memorable night with one of the sexiest actors. I have entered, what you are waiting for?


Wanted Alive: Candy Bar stealing squirrels!
January 16th, 2017 under Animals. [ Comments: none ]

While most squirrels love nuts, there are some squirrels who are really nuts for candy bars. So much so, that several of them have started stealing chocolate bars from Luke’s Grocery in Toronto.
Paul Kim told Toronto Star, “They come in and take Crunchies, Crispy Crunch, Wonderbar,” and some try to “try to take Mr. Big.” It has gotten so bad for him that they have taken close to 50 candy bars this fall.
The owner thinks it is cute, but it is also becoming a major Pay Day for him.
If anyone has any suggestions how to get them to stop stealing his 100 Grands, then let him know. He wants to do it humanely. You know besides the obvious and move them away from the reach of the squirells.


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