Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2016 » March
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Bridget Jones’ Baby gives birth to its first trailer!
March 23rd, 2016 under Renee Zellweger. [ Comments: none ]

It has been 11 years since the second Bridget Jones movie came out and on September 16th the third movie will be released. Since then, she has gotten a promotion, had sex with her ex and a new man, and finds out she is pregnant. Only problem is, she doesn’t know who the baby daddy is. With the choices being Colin Firth and Patrick Dempsey, does it matter? I would have them both be the father and try to convince them to make another baby with me as many times as possible.
But I digress. When it comes to Bridget Jones’ Baby, I wasn’t expecting to like the trailer, but now I am looking forward to its arrival.
I just hope that I can get over the need to look at Renée Zellweger’s face to see how different it looks. Tell me I am not the only one who did that?


A tale of two Mitch Buchannons!
March 23rd, 2016 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch, The Rock. [ Comments: 1 ]

David Hasselhoff filmed a cameo for Baywatch: The Movie yesterday. Since Dwayne Johnson is playing the part he made famous, obviously The Hoff couldn’t reprise that role. Instead we got a picture of the two of them together.
So I ask you, who is the hotter Mitch Buchannon? The man with The Rock hard body or the one whose body gets you Hoff? Have to say, I am going with the original because he can still rock (no pun) those red swim trunks!


Hot Links!
March 22nd, 2016 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Who left her socks on? – Dlisted

Eva Longoria's booty – Celebslam

Selena Gomez wasted? – The Blemish

Olivia Wilde's topless screen grabs – The Nip Slip

I thought she needed to lose 185 pounds? – Celebitchy

I can't believe the Kardashians are sued over this – THS

Who might be quitting The Vampire Diaries? – Farandulista


Forget the Maid of Honor, this is a bride’s Best Buddy!
March 22nd, 2016 under Cool Technology. [ Comments: none ]

via Us Weekly
Remember that day when your best friend asked you to be her Maid of Honor and how happy you were. Now many months later, you’ve her heard talk about her wedding ad nauseam, was her support system at her engagement party, threw her a lavish Bachlorette party, spent the last few weeks writing the perfect speech and now the big day is finally here. She looks gorgeous in her long white dress and she just told you she has to pee. That means you are going to have to help her lift the dress, lower her underwear and hold the skirt as she does her business. Are you like that is the final straw? Well, for $60 there is something that can save you both a lot of embarrassment and making her trip to the porcelain princess a whole lot easier on both of you. It’s the Bridal Buddy. Basically it is a slip that holds the wedding gown when you can no longer hold it in. She will love it so much, she might ask it to be the Maid of Honor instead of you; and at this moment of time, you are more than OK with it.
The Bridal Buddy is also perfect for Hollywood Awards shows, Sweet 16’s, Debutante Balls, Quincerias, Bat Mitzvahs and Proms. Although, for the latter it is also good for other things than going to the bathroom. If you know what I mean.


BTWF roles: Melissa Joan Hart in The Equalizer
March 22nd, 2016 under Before They Were Famous, Melissa Joan Hart. [ Comments: none ]

Before Melissa Joan Hart was talking to a cat on Sabrina the Teenage Witch, she was talking to a doll on The Equalizer. She looks the same now as she did when she was 9 in that 1986 episode.


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