Michael Weatherly is filming one of his final episodes of NCIS and he decided to let it all hang out.
DiNozzo let his pants down and said, “Crime solving! #pantsoff” I wonder what crime they discovered when they investigated the area with their magnifying glasses. Sorry, it was too easy not to go there. I am sure it was too big just for our DC crew and they had to bring NoLA and LA to help out. Don’t you agree?
Seriously though, I am sure the cast and crew of the CBS procedural are going to miss his humor when he leaves the show this season.
Jason Biggs was seen wearing his wife Jenny Mollen’s purse and high heels, so you have to wonder if he has something to tell us? Nope, the only thing he revealed is that he has really nice legs in heels. Who knew?
Amy Schumer is far from shy, so it should be no surprise that she shared a photo of herself on the toilet. Although it is no ordinary picture of her on the crapper because she is dressed up Victorian garb. It might’ve been a classy era, but not anymore.
Before S Epatha Merkerson was the Chief Administrator of Clinical Operations on Chicago Med, she was a mail(wo)man in Christmas at Pee Wee’s Playhouse. She looks the same now as she did when she was 35 in that 1988 special.