Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2016 » February
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Jessica Simpson is back in her Daisy Dukes!
February 15th, 2016 under Jessica Simpson. [ Comments: none ]

Jessica Simpson famously played Daisy Duke in The Dukes of Hazzards movie and in order to play the role she had to wear short shorts. Ten years and two kids later, she is back wearing those Daisy Dukes and she looks fantastic. She looks better than fantastic, she looks freaking phenomenal.


Gene Simmons is not too old to pick his nose!
February 15th, 2016 under Avril Lavigne, KISS. [ Comments: none ]

Avril Lavigne sat at the same table as Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley at Clive Davis’ Grammy party, and she wanted to take a photo to with the two men from KISS. The singer with the tongue decided to have some fun and stick his finger up his nose. At least, I am hoping he was having some fun and the 66 year old wasn’t really picking nose. But then again he is a Rock Star’s Rock Star, so you never know. If he was serious, then it gives new meaning to the song Lick It Up.


Your first look at Star Wars: Episode VIII
February 15th, 2016 under Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

Valentine’s Day might’ve been yesterday, but Star Wars has present for you today to show you how much they love you. Production began on Star Wars: Episode VIII in London a few hours ago, and they already released one of the first shots from the anticipated move that won’t be out until December 15, 2017 or exactly 22 months from today. Does this first look make your lightsaber stand up?
Since I am one of the few people on this Earth who has not seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens, this is a total spoiler for me. While I am happy to see Luke Skywalker in it, I wish the first shot would’ve been of Hans Solo. He’s my second favorite character after Jar Jar Binks. I don’t think I could watch another Star Wars movie unless Harrison Ford in it.


Hot Links!
February 14th, 2016 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Want to see his third leg? – Dlisted

Adele, that's all! – THS

Major underboob – Celebslam

Bella Thorn's tiny bikini – GCeleb

Kanye West's krazy rules – The Blemish

SNL did something funny – World of Wonder

Which Soap star had a nip slip? – The Nip Slip

Who needs to lay off the spray tanning? – Celebitchy


Ghostbusters II’s Elaine’s important update on today being the end of the World
February 14th, 2016 under Bill Murray. [ Comments: none ]

via Ghostheads
Back in 1989, Ghostbusters II predicted that today would be the end of the World. Elaine told Dr Peter Venkman that an Alien, whom she met at a bar in Paramus, NJ, told her that today is our end of days. Is it?
Earlier this week, she took to YouTube to share this very important update with us. She wanted us to know that that Alien recently texted her and said, “The World is not ending!” Then she added he said, “That prediction was based on the fact that slime was rising at such a rate.” How can we prevent the Apocalypse? The Alien revealed to her, “As long as there is more love than slime the World goes on.” So keep the love, not the slime flowing.
Although, I think that the Alien’s prediction was off by exactly 4 months. What happens then? The Ghostbusters reboot comes out…


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