Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2016 » February
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BTWF roles: Bruce McGill in Animal House
February 16th, 2016 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
Before Bruce McGill was a detective on Rizzoli & Isles, he stole a cop car in Animal House. He looks the same now as he did when he was 27 in that 1978 legendary movie.


Unforgettable cancelled for a third time
February 16th, 2016 under A&E, CBS. [ Comments: none ]

Not many shows can say they were cancelled not once, not twice, but three times. Today, Unforgettable gets that strange and awful honor.
After its first season, CBS announced that they cancelled the show about a cop who remembers everything. Then a few weeks later, they picked it up for another season and moved it to summer. After two seasons of airing in the summer, they pulled the plug on the drama again.
Then a few months later, A&E announced they picked it up for a fourth season. Now that show aired all of its episodes for this season, Deadline reports it cancelled once again.
Since this is a Sony show, I really hope they pick up for a 5th season. I want to know if Al lives. Don’t you hate when a show ends on a cliffhanger and then gets cancelled?


Find out what happened to Isle on Rizzoli & Isles
February 16th, 2016 under TNT/TBS/TCM. [ Comments: none ]

When Rizzoli & Isles last left off, Isles (Sasha Alexander) was kidnapped by an unknown assailant. Tonight’s episode at 9p on TNT picks up exactly where they left off. Now Rizzoli (Angie Harmon) and Korsak (Bruce McGill) need to find her before it is too late. Only problem, is the kidnapper didn’t leave a lot of evidence behind and every lead turns out to be a dead end. Will they rescue her in time?
Isles’ disappearance is taking their toll on everyone, especially Rizzoli who will never be the same. All of this is setting up for the show’s final episodes. Which I totally disagree with TNT about because I think the show has many more years ahead of it.
But I am getting ahead of myself. Tonight we are getting not one, but two episodes and the second one is a much lighter, happier one. When the owner of pot dispensary is killed, it is up to Rizzoli and Korsak to find his killer. They discover there is much more to his murder than meets the eye.
While investigating his murder, they need to test the pot from his store to make sure it matches some other marijuana. In the process of testing it, some of them will get really high and tell really bad jokes that only they will laugh at. Who doesn’t love to watch people get high and tell bad jokes?
So tune in for two great episodes of TNT’s best procedural. Maybe if we get the ratings up, they will reconsider their decision about ending the show.


Hollywood cinematographers keep getting younger and younger!
February 16th, 2016 under Fox. [ Comments: none ]

Layla and Emelia Golfieri are just over 2 and a half years old and both of them are starring on Fox’s hit sitcom Grandfathered that airs on Tuesdays at 8:30p. Even though this is their first big role, they already have aspirations for bigger and greater things. For example, their TV Grandfather, John Stamos, shared a photo of one of them sitting in the cinematographer’s chair and she already looks like a pro.
Hollywood better watch out because at this rate, you will be over the hill by the time you are 13. Anyone over that age will just be there to feed them, change their diapers, be their chauffeurs, teach them the 3 Rs and wake them up from their midday naps. You know how cranky they can get if they don’t get their naps, they will make Christian Bale look cooler, calmer and more collected than he did on the Terminator: Salvation set.


Did Michael Weatherly stick his finger in an electrical socket?
February 16th, 2016 under Michael Weatherly. [ Comments: none ]

Michael Weatherly spent a relaxing day in West Hollywood, but his hair was standing on end. Like he was struck by lighting and got the shock of a lifetime. Or he came out of the shower, tried to plug in his blow dryer and he got an electrical shock. But then again, maybe that as the look he was going for. What do you think?
Maybe all he needs is Gibbs to smack his hair down, so hopefully he will do it on NCIS tonight at 8p on CBS.


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