Adam Scott and Jason Schwartzman are starring together in a movie called The Overnight and in it they are nude most of the time. Tonight, when they were on Conan, the TBS wanted to know more about it.
Even though they were both completely naked, they really weren’t. You see, they both wore prosthetic penises to hide their real ones. They became so comfortable in them that they walked around the set without anything on but it. Which made everyone butt themselves very uncomfortable.
Schwartzman was more comfortable in his skin because his fake penis is 9 1/2″ long, so you can’t blame him for wanting to show it off. Unfortunately for him, he accidentally showed it off to his kid’s teacher. Even thought it made things awkward for them, he has seen a lot of benefits from it. So fellas, now you know the secret on how to get your kids’ teacher to give you stuff. Are you ready to take a photo of yourself with a fake penis for the fringe benefits?
BTW I lost count, but is that the most time that penis was mentioned on late night talk show? It definitely felt that way.
Before Jason O’Mara was hiding a kid from gang members on Complications, he was hiding from the police on Berkeley Square. He looks the same now as he did when he was 25 in that 1998 episode.
Josh Peck posted a photo of himself wearing a Santa Claus hat and coat today, and doesn’t he know that Christmas is exactly six months away? I know the holiday comes earlier and earlier every year, but this is way too early. I want a little break between New Year’s and Christmas. Like at least 8 months.
Ha ha!
Holier than thou Bristol Palin announced today that she is pregnant with her second child out of wedlock. Even though she has been preaching abstinence-only, she obviously hasn’t practiced what she preaches.
Just a month after she called off her engagement, she let us know she didn’t wait until her wedding night to have sex.
Who’s the daddy she didn’t say. What did she say? To read what she wrote, then click here!
Under the Dome is back on CBS tonight at 9p with a two hour premiere and there will be some changes happening in Chester’s Mill. A few weeks, some of the cast and the Executive Producers previewed what is going to happen this season, and here is what stars Dean Norris and Marg Helgelberger, and EP’s Neal Bear and Tom Schlattman said about it.
What are we going to learn this season?
Bear: As you just saw on the sizzle reel, lots is happening Under The Dome in Chester’s Mill and we’re very excited about this season, because unlike the first two seasons where we had to get you sort of acclimated, we will tell you why the dome has come down and what it’s about.
We are going to learn why the Dome came down and what else?
Bear: One of the big mysteries we’re going to solve is in our timeline, a meteor with an egg inside of it was discovered in 1988 by four high school students, so why was there 25 years to pass before the dome came down? And what was in play 25 years ago that actually set all of that in motion that would send her (Helgenberg) character to Chester’s Mill to be there the day the dome came down? So that’s kind of the biggies that we’re going to address and you’re going to start to see how these pieces of the puzzle actually form a puzzle that may be a little bit different than what you thought it was going to be.
Is Big Jim going to be nice this season or will he be Big Jim?
Norris: He’s going to get nicer. Well, you know, he’s a complex character, so he goes through nice phases and tougher phases. But there’s definitely a change in the character of Big Jim this year. And you’ll have to kind of watch to see. But, you know, having lost his wife, that kind of does a little something to him. And he gets a little friend this year, who is a dog, and you kind of see a little bit of the heart of Big Jim come out in relation to that.
How are things going to be between Big Jim and his son, Junior?
Norris: He shot me at the end of the last season. So Big Jim didn’t take very kindly to that. But he’s still his son and he still has fatherly feelings for him. So it’s always been kind of a tension in the show, obviously Big Jim’s kind of love for his son versus the fact that his son has some issues.
Junior shot his dad, so who is Big Jim going to shoot?
Schlattman: That’s not the only thing he shoots, though, in episode one of the season (see the video above). So he still is Big Jim more so than ever. He shoots someone that you’re kind of shocked he would shoot.
And that is not the most surprising thing coming up this season?
Helgenberg: We (Norris and her) were in a birdcage together, a giant birdcage.
After last year’s season finale, I wasn’t sure if I would watch this season. But after hearing them promise that this season will be a refresh, I am willing to give the show another chance. Will you be watching?