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Forever gets no Resurrection but these shows will Galavant on on ABC!
May 7th, 2015 under ABC. [ Comments: none ]

ABC has cancelled Cristela, Forever, Resurrection and The Taste. I am not surprised that Cristela and Resurrection got the ax because both shows set up for crappy seasons next year. I am saddened about Forever’s demise because it was a strong enjoyable show. Hopefully Syfy, will give it a second life.
When it comes to what shows will live on on ABC are Galavant (that photo is Timothy Omundson‘s reaction to his show coming back), Castle, Grey’s Anatomy, How to Get Away with Murder, Scandal, Agents of SHIELD, Agent Carter, Once Upon a Time, American Crime, Secrets and Lies, Fresh Off the Boat, The Middle, The Goldbergs, Modern Family, blackish, America’s Funniest Videos, Dancing with the Stars, The Bachelor, Shark Tank, Beyond the Tank and 20/20.
Last Man Standing is the last show standing on its future, hopefully it will be back for another season.


I thought Kristen Wiig ain’t afraid of no ghosts?
May 7th, 2015 under Ellen DeGeneres. [ Comments: none ]

One of the main requirements if you are a Ghostbuster, is that you can’t be afraid of ghosts. Well Ellen DeGeneres found out that Kristen Wiig is afraid of them when she scared her with one on the show today. Proving that the all-female version of Ghostbusters is going to suck more than we thought. Can we slime the movie before they even start filming it?


I donut know how you can say no to these sweet prom proposals!
May 7th, 2015 under Admirable People. [ Comments: none ]

Remember when it was time to go to your prom and you couldn’t wait for that someone to ask you or to ask someone to it. You wanted that moment to be special? You waited and waited and then it was time.
Well this year, some guys found a way to ask their dates in a very sweet way. That way included Dunkin Donuts. Only problem is with prom just weeks away, she can’t eat any of them if she wants to fit into that dress that you want to take off of her.
But it’s the thought that counts and their thoughts were delectable!
#DDProm via Allie Fry, Martin de Wit and Paul Kim


Kerry Washington wonders how they can do a fifth season of Scandal
May 7th, 2015 under Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: none ]

Kerry Washington was on The Tonight Show yesterday and Jimmy Fallon was questioning her about the “explosive” season finale of Scandal. The NBC late night wanted to know what explosive means. Of course, she did her best Olivia Pope and didn’t say anything.
But then she eventually blurted out, “I will tell you this, when we finished the table read for this finale, I was so shocked, that I looked at Shonda and said, ‘Where do we go from here? How do we even have fifth season after this'”
I wonder who pissed off Shonda Rhimes so much that they won’t be returning in the fall? Who will be joining McDreamy and Harrison in Shondaland hell?
Even though she doesn’t know how the show will go on, you know it will. Even though ABC hasn’t yet picked up any shows for next season, you know this one will be on the schedule. Even if Washington doesn’t know.
How do you think season 4 will end? I gave up the show during the third season, so I have no idea.


Is this the best that Lady Gaga has ever looked?
May 7th, 2015 under Lady Gaga. [ Comments: none ]

Lady Gaga changes her look almost as much as she changes her underwear, and her latest styling might her best yet. I don’t know why I think this is the prettiest I’ve seen her, but her Poker Face looks gorgeous. Don’t you think she looks absolutely stunning here?


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