Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2015 » February
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Kat Dennings spanking the cock!
February 26th, 2015 under 2 Broke Girls. [ Comments: none ]

Kat Dennings shared a behind the scenes image of “something speesh” that is coming up on 2 Broke Girls and I can’t wait to find out what it is. What do you think it is? My take from the photo is that her boyfriend, Josh Groban, is going to guest star as one of the hipsters who her character is always putting in their in place at the beginning of each episode.


Are we sure that Gina Rodriguez isn’t pregnant?
February 26th, 2015 under Jane the Virgin. [ Comments: none ]

Gina Rodriguez is playing a pregnant virgin on Jane the Virgin, but in real life the Golden Globe winner isn’t having a baby. Although looking at this photo, she Instagrammed, in full body makeup, I am questioning if she isn’t about to pop. Just like she said, “TV magic. #fakeBelly #janethevirgin HOW REAL DOES THIS LOOK?!? #8months.”
Remember in the good old days of television, they wore those fabric stuffed bellies? I think we can all agree, they’ve come a long way, baby.


A quick acting class on how to make a Nicolas Cage movie!
February 26th, 2015 under Nicolas Cage. [ Comments: none ]

Nicolas Cage has been starring in movies for over 30 years. He is such a good actor, he has even won an Oscar for his work in one of them. Some might say, his acting isn’t the best; but he still gets several roles a year. So are you an actor who wants to work as much as Nic Cage, then Cinema Sins created a How To video for you to stud his acting methods.
I tried to take the class, but just like some of his movies, I couldn’t get all the way through it.


Hot Links!
February 26th, 2015 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who is the Jolly Green Giant? – Dlisted

How did Beyonce avoid a nip slip? – GCeleb

Watch a house explode on camera – Funtasticus

Who had an aerola slip on the red carpet? – The Nip Slip

Who would punch if Kanye West Kanyed him? – Celebitchy

Which couple filmed their back seat action going on? – THS

Which Gossip Girl couple might be a couple? – Hollywood PQ


Who got Chrissy Teigen to put on underwear?
February 25th, 2015 under Chrissy Teigen. [ Comments: none ]

Chrissy Teigen revealed that she doesn’t like to wear underwear; but if this man asks her to put them on, she obliges. So when she was asked to try on a pair of Calvins, she did. She was so happy to have nothing come between her and them that the model opted to model herself in them and said, “Next step: with pants. #babysteps #mycalvins”
I wonder how John Legend feels about his wife having another man come between them?


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