Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2015 » February
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These 5 dramas futures aren’t Grimm, they’re not on The Blacklist!
February 5th, 2015 under NBC. [ Comments: none ]
NBC announced today that they picked up Grimm, Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, Law & Order: SVU and The Blacklist for another season.
That means the future doesn’t look so bright for the freshmen dramas State of Affairs, The Mysteries of Laura and Constantine. Although, with the chances of any of the comedies getting renewed that will leave a lot of hours of programming to fill. The Voice gives them 4 hours, The Biggest Loser (not officially picked up) a fifth, Dateline gives them 6 and these 5 dramas bring it to 11 hours. That means they have 4 hours to fill, so maybe one of the frosh will graduate to its sophomore year. Which I hope it does because I am enjoying all three of them. I also hope that they still make sitcoms because I have hope they might once again have a night of Must See TV. Another possibility is that The Night Shift and Undateable could return in the fall if come back strong in a few weeks. Which will give NBC only two and half hours to fill. Still to early to tell what will happen in the fall, so until then enjoy what you have while you have it.
When it comes to dramas that were picked up, I am so happy that Grimm and Chicago Fire will be back for more. Both shows are having really strong seasons so far.


Why did they have to remake Poltergeist?
February 5th, 2015 under Stupid Sequels/Remakes. [ Comments: none ]
There are very few horror movies from the ’80s that are as scary now as the first time you saw them. There’s Poltergeist, American Werewolf in London and Nightmare on Elm Street to name a few, but yet there are schmucks in Hollywood who think they can remake them and make them scarier with CGI. I am here to tell you can’t.
Case in point, one of those schmucks decided to work his magic on the 1982 classic Poltergeist and today they released the trailer for it.
Now, instead of a television set, it is the closet that is talking to the girl whose name is no longer Carol Anne. They couldn’t even keep her name? What’s wrong with Carol Anne? Then one of the biggest nightmare inducing things about the original movie is the life-sized clown that terrorized Robbie. They shrunk him down to normal sized doll. Who is scared of something that is a 18″ long? No one. The one thing they did make bigger was the medium, gone is sweet little Tangina, and now in her place is some tall Englishman. I could go on but my blood is boiling.
If it was just the inaccuracies that were bothering me, I would maybe look over it but there is more. They have turned this movie into every other paranormal movie out there today. We have been seeing these tricks in all of those boring Paranormal Activity films, and the original Poltergeist was not heavy on the same old special effects that are plaguing horror movies today.
So instead of blowing $15 a ticket on July 17th to see it, just watch the original instead. It’s a whole lot cheaper and a million times better.
In the meantime, I will be hoping for a skeleton filled pool hole to swallow this movie up whole. Go into the light, Poltergeist movie. Go into the light!


Watch a kid confuse resurrection for another type of rising up!!!
February 5th, 2015 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]
via AFV Kids
A man wanted teach some kids at a Sunday school about the resurrection and he asked them if they knew what it was. The little boy proudly raised his hand and said, “If you have a resurrection for more than four hours, then you need to go see the doctor.” The man’s face to his answer is everything!
I have watched this clip like a hundred times and I laugh just as hard every time I hear him say it. Priceless!!!
The only negative about this video, is they don’t show the kid’s reaction when it is explained to him what the resurrection is and what an erection is. I guess they are waiting until he is a little bit older to have that “talk” with him.


Mila Kunis thinks her bigger boobs are amazing!
February 5th, 2015 under Conan O'Brien, That '70s Show. [ Comments: none ]

Mila Kunis had a baby four months and five days ago, and she also got two other things when she was pregnant with her daughter. She got boobs.
The actress told Conan O’Brien that she is getting used to them. She spent her life being small chested, and now she has to learn how to dress for them. That includes, wearing a bra for the first time in her life. It isn’t only about learning how to wear the right clothes to accent them, it is also getting used to guys finally checking them out.
The side, or should I say front, effect of pregnancy.
BTW here’s a challenge, try not to look a her boobs. I am straight woman and I couldn’t stop staring at them. But I think it because it was like subliminal messaging, I knew she was talking about her breasts so might as well check them out.


Jimmy Kimmel’s book clubbers don’t know who Oprah Winfrey is!
February 5th, 2015 under Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Jimmy Kimmel wanted to be part of a book club, but he doesn’t have time to read those long novels that most of those members read. Then he came up with a brilliant idea, why not start one with kids and read children’s books? That is exactly what he did. The first book on the list was Goodnight Moon and they knew all by heart. When it comes to meaning of it, that is completely different story.
The one story that we can all take away from this, is that this too cute for words in a book!


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