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Tonight’s Galavant will leave you verklempt
January 11th, 2015 under Galavant. [ Comments: none ]

Galavant is back with two new episodes tonight at 8p on ABC and they are something to sing along with.
In the first episode, Galvant (Joshua Sasses) and Princess Isabella (Karen David) go to Sid’s (Luke Youngbood) hometown with him. When they get there, they find out that he has been lying about who he really is and they decide to play along with him. Galavant is his Squire and Princess Isabella is his fiancee. Will Sid tell his parents the truth or will his lies catch up with him? Oy!
Meanwhile back at King Richard’s Kingdom, he decides to have some fun with his people and do some plays with them. The thing he likes most is having his Servants kick the Unique in the groin. Tell me what is funnier than watching a guy getting kicked in the royals jewels over and over and over again? That is until he reveals something that will get the King very very very mad at him…
That sets up for the second episode where King Richard asks the Jester to teach him how to tell jokes. Let’s just say there are a lot of things that Timothy Omundson can do a lot things and being a comedian isn’t one of them. Although, he isn’t that bad.
While the King is telling jokes, things are a lot more serious for Galavant, Sid and the Princess. You see are three buddies, are getting sick of each other. They can’t stand being around each other and they still have a long way to go until they reach the Kingdom. Just when they can’t stand each other anymore, they get held captive by some Pirates. Will they be able to work together long enough to get themselves out of this mess or will they be thrown overboard?
Tune in to find out, but better yet, tune in for the best Jewish song and dance number since Raising Hope. Actually, it is even better than that one, but since that is the only other Jewish song and dance number to have been on television show, it was the only one I could reference. Seriously, there are six great songs during tonight’s one hour event and you don’t want to miss a single one. More importantly, you don’t want to miss several people playing kick ball with a man’s balls!


The CW picks up 8 shows for next season!
January 11th, 2015 under The CW. [ Comments: none ]
The CW announced today what shows they are bringing back next season and it is pretty much all of them. Those g8t shows are ARROW (Season 4), JANE THE VIRGIN (Season 2), REIGN (Season 3), SUPERNATURAL (Season 11), THE 100 (Season 3), THE FLASH (Season 2), THE ORIGINALS (Season 3), and THE VAMPIRE DIARIES (Season 7). The only show not picked up is Hart of Dixie which is just starting out its season this Friday.
So with all of these pickups that doesn’t leave much room for anything new. But with the successful year they are having, do they really need any shows?


Lady Gaga is that you?
January 10th, 2015 under Lady Gaga. [ Comments: 2 ]

Lady Gaga shared a photo of herself just out of bed without any makeup and her hair on and she looks absolutely gorgeous. I sincerely thinks she looks better as Stefani Germanotta that her onstage persona. How do you prefer your Mother Monster?


In case you were wondering why Jeff Goldblum finally got married?
January 10th, 2015 under David Letterman, Jeff Goldblum. [ Comments: none ]

I think from Jeff Goldblum’s appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman with his wife, Emilie Livingston, we know why he finally decided to tie the knot at 62 years old! Don’t you agree?
But now I have to wonder if she quoted from his movie the The Fly when she did that for him the first time. You know, “Be afraid, be very afraid!” I am sure he was afraid, but also very excited!


Tara Reid shows us she eats!
January 9th, 2015 under Tara Reid. [ Comments: none ]

For weeks, people have been talking about Tara Reid and how skinny she is. Well the actress took to Instagram today to show us she does in fact eat as she downed a slice of American pizza Pie. So there you have it, she does eat!


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