Terry Crews and Jimmy Fallon sync their pecks in perfect harmony! |
May 19th, 2014 under Jimmy Fallon, Terry Crews. [ Comments: none ]
Ebony & Ivory is one of the most harmonious songs ever written, thanks to its messaging about ebony and ivory living in perfect harmony. Well tonight, Jimmy Fallon and Terry Crews redefined that song on The Tonight Show. Instead of sitting side by side on the piano keyboard, they were standing shirtless side by side as their pecks went up and down with each note. So as their nipples were in sync, you found yourself strangely hypnotized by their bare chests, and willing to do whatever they want. So that is what those lyrics, “We learn to live, we learn to give,” from the song mean. I know I gave away all the singles I had for some reason.
Seriously, who knew the NBC late night host has that body under those suits? I sure as heck didn’t.
Finally, Crews and Fallon might not be Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney, but they came pretty gosh darn close. It is truly peckstacular!
BTWF roles: Lisa Rinna in Captive Rage |
May 19th, 2014 under Before They Were Famous, Lisa Rinna. [ Comments: none ]
Before Lisa Rinna was kidnapped on Days of our Lives, she was kidnapped in Captive Rage. How pretty was the 25 year old in that 1988 movie?
Abe Vigoda is still alive! |
May 19th, 2014 under Old Hollywood. [ Comments: none ]

In case you were wondering if Abe Vigoda is still alive, the answer is yes! Jamie Kennedy Tweeted this picture of the 93 year old actor with Cloris Leachman, 88, from Chiller Theater and both of them look fabulous. Can you believe if you combine Fish and Phyllis’ ages, it equals 181! They don’t look a day over 180 together!
Seriously though, seeing the two legends like that makes me wish that TV Land would give them a sitcom. And since Kennedy shared this photo, he can play their crazy grandson that just moved in with them and they can’t get rid of. Doesn’t that sound like a winner?
Does Hugh Jackman have a problem? |
May 19th, 2014 under Hugh Jackman. [ Comments: 1 ]

Hugh Jackman Instgrammed this photo of his mouth under a huge hand sanitizer machine and I have to wonder does he have a problem? I mean, as much as you love the Purrell, the stuff is not meant to be downed as a drink. Well, I guess Tom Hanks taught us on Family Ties, it could be. So whatever way you can get your alcohol fix, you are going to find a way to get it.
Not saying that Jackman has a problem with alcohol, I think he was just having some fun in this photo and I went off into a weird tangent.
Warehouse 13 closes its doors tonight |
May 19th, 2014 under Syfy. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 9p, Warehouse 13 says goodbye on Syfy, and you don’t want to miss the perfect sendoff for this brilliant show.
Mrs. Frederic lets the team know that Warehouse 13 is moving and the agents have to leave their mark in the book. That means they touch a table and their favorite moment is revealed. That moment will be left in the book for future agents to see. By seeing everyone’s most memorable, we get to know more about them.
Just when you think there is nothing left for us to find out about Artie (Saul Rubinek), Myka (Joanne Kelly), Pete (Eddie McClintock), Jinks (Aaron Ashmore) and Claudia (Allison Scagliotti), be prepared to learn something new about each one of them.
Once they have shared their memory, it is time for them to move on. By them moving on we see their future, the series wraps things up for our characters and you will be happy with each of their conclusions. One you have waited all 5 seasons to happen.
I am so sad to see Warehouse 13 go, but I am happy that ended in a way that we can all be happy with.
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