Hot Links! |
December 9th, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
Guess who he grew up to be? – Dlisted
A Selena Gomez upskirt – GCeleb
Which Showtime show is ending? – Rickey
Is Jennifer Aniston single again? – Popbytes
The first look at Sherlock's new season! – Celebitchy
What are Jay-Z and Beyonce doing for money? – Bohomoth
A tale of 2 Carrie Bradshaws! |
December 9th, 2013 under Sex and the City. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since AnnaSophia Robb was announced as the teenage Carrie Bradshaw in The Carrie Diaries, everyone has wanted to see her with the woman who played her character on Sex and the City. Well thanks to Cosmo 100, we are finally getting to see Sarah Jessica Parker and Robb together for the first time.
Looks like only one of them is happy about their meeting, and of course it is the cuter younger one. But then again, SJP’s expression shouldn’t be surprising since she has publicly bashed the darling CW show.
BTWF roles: Karl Urban in Shark in the Park |
December 9th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
(starts at 2:30 in)
Before Karl Urban was on the good side of the law in Almost Human, he was on the bad side of it in Shark in the Park. How cute was the 18 year old in that 1991 episode?
Bad Words look bad word awesome! |
December 9th, 2013 under Jason Bateman, Movies. [ Comments: none ]
The first trailer is out for Jason Bateman’s directorial feature film debut and I can’t wait to see Bad Words when it comes out on March 21st. I’ll spell out why I want to see it so bad, it’s because it looks like it’s going to be a lot F-U-N!
Guess who found a clean way to share her baby bump? |
December 9th, 2013 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

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