Miley Cyrus is squeaky clean |
December 19th, 2013 under Miley Cyrus. [ Comments: none ]

Miley Cyrus Tweeted a picture of herself straight out of the shower and that is the cleanest we’ve seen her since she was Hannah Montana. Sorry it was too easy, so I just had to go there.
BTWF roles: Tim Robbins in St Elsewhere |
December 19th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
Before Tim Robbins was convicted of murdering his wife and her lover in The Shawshank Redemption, he was accused of blowing up a bank in St Elsewhere. He looks the same now as he did when he was 26 in that 1982 episode.
Jennifer Lawrence couldn’t wait to tell her classmates she wet her bed at 13! |
December 19th, 2013 under Conan O'Brien, Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence. [ Comments: none ]
As we all know Jennifer Lawrence says whatever she is thinking and turns out she has always been that way.
Yesterday when she was on Conan O’Brien’s show, the TBS late night host asked her about her nickname Nitro when she was in school. She explained that she was so hyper, when she was a teen, that they unsuccessfully had her on meds to calm her down. I say unsuccessful because they didn’t work.
She also shared with Conan a story about how when she was 13, she was so excited that she peed in her bed that she couldn’t wait to tell her classmates. So when she got to school, she ran to bleachers, told them what she did and they were all silent.
Even when she was teen, all those years ago, she was just as cute then as she is now. That is why we love our Hunger Games heroine!
Katie kanned! |
December 19th, 2013 under Talk Shows. [ Comments: none ]
Two years ago ABC spent a lot money to give Katie Couric a daytime talk show and today they announced that her show will not be back for a third season according to Variety. The overrated newsanchor turned talk show host announced a few weeks ago she was leaving ABC News for Yahoo!, and the writing was on the wall for Katie. Today that writing was confirmed!
Am I surprised her show failed? Nope. Viewers left her CBS Evening News shows in droves, so why ABC thought that we still cared about her was always a mystery to me.
So in short ABC cancelled 2 soap operas for three talk shows and as of today only one them will be on the air in the fall. How is that one soap opera that didn’t get cancelled doing? Better than ever. So ABC, will you finally admit that you made a mistake when you canned All My Children and One Life to Live for The Chew, that other show and Katie? Bring back AMC or OLTL or both!
How I Met Your Mother will be put out of our misery on March 31st! |
December 19th, 2013 under How I Met Your Mother. [ Comments: none ]
I don’t know about you, but How I Met Your Mother has been a chore to watch for many years. So when CBS announced that this season was going to be the last it was kind of a relief. For me as each episode airs, I am counting the episodes until it is finally over. Today CBS announced that the series finale of this once great show will air on March 31st. I hope it goes out like it came in and not how it has been since the smoking episode. I think that was when the show officially went down hill and never climbed back up to its greatness.
So what happens come April? Well on March 31st, James Van Der Beek’s Friends with Better Lives debuts at 9p after the 1 hour HIMYM finale. The following week it moves to its permanent slot of 8:30p. That means Two Broke Girls moves to 8p on April 14th. Yeah, if any show screams family hour, it is 2BG. Not.
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