Can you tell if they’ll be good or bad Christmas Carolers? |
December 23rd, 2013 under Jay Leno. [ Comments: none ]
Jay Leno went to Universal City Walk to see if some of the patrons walking by are good or bad Christmas Carolers. We get to watch the interview, decide if they are and then hear them sing. Some of them are not very good, while one of them will blow you away by their voice. So play the game that aired on NBC’s The Tonight Show this Friday and see how will you did. The prize is you get to now tell people you are not the worst Caroler out there.
BTW am I the only one bummed he didn’t bring on that Gas Pump News couple on to sing a festive song or two?
All I Want for Christmas is to have never seen this! |
December 23rd, 2013 under Mariah Carey. [ Comments: none ]
Steve Kardynal, who brought his very special version of Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking Ball to Chat Roulette, is back with a new holiday version. This time he dressed up as Santa’s sexy elf and he’s lip-synching Mariah Carey’s All I Want for Christmas. I feel for all of those people who logged on and saw that. Although they look to be enjoying it as much as you and I are. I mean, how can you not have a smile on your face after seeing that?
It is Supernatural to have this much fun at a Christmas party! |
December 23rd, 2013 under Supernatural. [ Comments: none ]
Supernatural looks like it is a lot of fun to work on and thanks to Misha Collins we are getting to see how just much fun the people behind the scenes have when their two stars are not there. Castiel Tweeted the above video footage of the crew from the hit CW drama to show his co-stars Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles what a drag the holiday party was without them. I don’t think he succeeded because after seeing what a bore that gathering is, I would love to work on that show even more.
Hot Links! |
December 22nd, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
Kate Hudson without makeup – GCeleb
Try this pop culture experiment – Pajiba
Katy Perry/John Mayer vs Kimye – Popbytes
Beyonce anoints Madonna's kid – Bohomoth
See where Selena Gomez got waxed – GCeleb
Which upcoming show lost 2 cast members? – Rickey
Whose maid found her supply of butt plugs? – Celebitchy
Cameron Diaz and her look alike pooch! |
December 22nd, 2013 under Cameron Diaz. [ Comments: none ]

You know they say that dogs and their owners start to look alike the longer they have them. Well Cameron Diaz and her chihuahua really resemble each other, so I guess the saying is true. Seriously, can the two of them be any more arfdorable together?
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