Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » August
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Mike Tyson plays with himself!
August 21st, 2013 under Mike Tyson. [ Comments: none ]

Mike Tyson was hanging out in the Fox Sports game room and he got to play Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out on Nintendo for the very first time. The game was such a knock out for him, that you can actually hear how excited he was playing it. It almost sounds and looks like that other time he plays with himself using his own personal joystick! Doesn’t it?


This picture of Robin Williams will quack you up!
August 21st, 2013 under Robin Williams. [ Comments: 2 ]

Robin Williams is returning to TV on September 26th in CBS’s The Crazy Ones and he has been sharing some pictures from the set. The latest one is the cutest one of them all as he showed himself holding his newest co-star, a duck! If that is not the sweetest thing you see all day, I don’t what can top it.
BTW I hope this means that The Crazy Ones will be doing an Aflac like episode.


Officer Tom Jones arrested David Cassidy
August 21st, 2013 under Arrested, David Cassidy. [ Comments: 2 ]

David Cassidy was arrested early this morning in Schodack, NY on the suspicion of Driving While Intoxicated. According to Times Union, he was pulled over at DWI checkpoint and was arrested when Officer Tom Jones suspected he might’ve been driving under the influence. The article says that is BAC was a .10.
The Partridge Family star was charged with a felony DWI because of a prior conviction. He was arrested on November 3, 2010 for DWI and plead no contest to that crime in February 2011. His license was suspended for 6 months and he completed a year of probation for that crime.
If I were him, I would tell the judge he just read, Shirley Jones, his stepmother’s book that details her exploitative love life with his dad. If that doesn’t cause someone to drink, I don’t know what will.
But in all seriousness, I hope he gets the help he needs.

UPDATE: David Cassidy is going to be featured on OWN’s Oprah: Where Are They Now? this Sunday at 10p.


The Parkland trailer will leave you breathless!
August 21st, 2013 under Tom Hanks, Zac Efron. [ Comments: none ]

The first trailer is out for Parkland; and if the trailer is any hint about how amazing the movie is, I think we have an Oscar winner on our hands. I don’t remember the last time a trailer wowed me like this one.
Maybe because I am obsessed with John F Kennedy’s assassination, but I think this movie will do that moment justice.
I can’t wait to see this movie that stars Zac Efron, Marcia Gay Harden, Ron Livingston, Tom Welling and Paul Giamatti when it comes out on October 4th.


Hot Links!
August 20th, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see them kiss? – Dlisted
Who is off the wagon? – Celebitchy
Rihanna has another new hairdo – Popbytes
Maria Menounous in skin tight clothes – GCeleb
This will make you miss Smash even more – Rickey
David  Beckham flexes his butt cheeks! – Bohomoth
 Who admits they are white trash? – Amy Grindhouse

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