Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » August
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Holy Smokes, Ben Affleck is Batman!
August 22nd, 2013 under Batman, Ben Affleck. [ Comments: none ]

(photo by morphinapg)

Warner Bros. announced today that Ben Affleck will be playing Batman in the film that will partner him up with the newest Superman, Henry Cavill. According to the press release, they said that we will be getting a “new incarnation” of Bruce Wayne in the superhero flick that is coming out on July 17, 2015.
While most people are against this casting, I think he will be great in the role. And if you are not happy with then Argo!


BTWF roles: Anthony Geary on The Partridge Family
August 22nd, 2013 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 1:15 in)

Before Anthony Geary only had eyes for Laura on General Hospital, Laurie from The Partridge Family only had eyes for him. He looks the same now as he did when he was 25 in that 1972 episode.


Ghost Shark will make you wet!
August 22nd, 2013 under Syfy. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 7p Syfy is repeating the Twitter hit Sharknado, then at 9p they are debuting Ghost Shark that is going to be a hit around the water cooler! This will make sense when you watch the movie that you know you want to watch.
When a father and daughter try to catch the biggest fish so they can win a prize of $30,000, they lose out on the money when a shark eats it. So they blow him up, but he comes back as a ghost and kills them for revenge.
That ghost shark doesn’t stop with them, he will eat anyone, anywhere as long as there is water involved. So that means you are not safe taking a bath, in the rain or even drinking it.
So now it is up that fisherman’s daughter (Mackenzie Rosman) and her friends to stop the ghost shark. Problem is the town sheriff and the mayor don’t believe them. The two men are also trying to protect the town from the bad press, so they are trying to stop the teens from doing whatever they are planning on doing.
Luckily the town crazy, Finch (Richard Moll), believes them and he might know how to exorcise the ghost shark, but will it work?
You will have to tune into find out, and also for a killer ghost shark that doesn’t discriminate who he chomps down. So be prepared for some awesome bloody deaths, that will leave you laughing and squirming at the same time.
Ghost Shark is in on the joke and it has to be because look at the title of the movie! To me when a horror film knows it is not to be taken seriously and they go for it, that is the recipe for a movie that will grab hold of you hook, line and sinker.
A few days ago I was on a conference call with the writer/director, Griff Furst, and he told us that it took him 6 months and three different story lines before Syfy and him agreed this was the one to make. The third time was truly the charm for this killer movie.
On that note, there truly are some awesome kills in this movie, When I asked which one was his favorite, he said “I’ve loved a lot of deaths and I like a lot of them.” Then he got more specific with, “I think I probably like the deaths in the montage because they come so fast and in consecutive order. I don’t want to give the specifics of any deaths, but there is a montage somewhere about midway through the film where a bunch of people get it right in a row, so I quite like that moment.” He’s right several people will meet their maker when they swim with the Ghost Shark, although none of them were swimming at the time…
Now when it comes to the film’s star, Richard Moll, it was more about a death he didn’t like. He said, “I know mine’s the least favorite because it means I won’t be in the sequel. So that’s the way I look at it.” Although he could back for the prequel, something that was discussed between the two men. Although not with Syfy…just yet.
Now while we know that a ghost shark is not real, the elements of where they shot was like a horror movie in itself. You see, Moll told us they shot in a swampy area in Louisiana at midnight and there were surrounded by snakes and possibly little alligators. Furst gave us something to look out for tonight, “In the film, when you hear a character say, ‘Watch out for snakes,’ that was kind of our inside joke because the place was filled with snakes.” What made the conditions worse for them is that they started shooting about two weeks after Hurricane Isaac hit the area. So they had to have people going around in boots with shovels and rakes trying to scare the snakes away.
Who knows maybe Griff will be working on a movie with snakes that kill the people who work on flick about a ghost shark?
But until then you can watch Ghost Shark tonight on Syfy at 9p, a flick that will leave afraid of water. So much so that Moll told us that since he filmed it, “I haven’t taken a shower since then.”


Guess who is getting some sun?
August 22nd, 2013 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who has the legs of an angel, then click here!


Squirrels is going to be nuts!
August 22nd, 2013 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

You know those cute little squirrels that you sometimes throw a nut to, well now they want blood and they want your blood.
Timur Bekmambetov who brought us the awesomely bad Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is now working with Red Sea Media on a movie about killer Squirrels.
At this point all they have is a script and a preproduction trailer, and that is enough to get people excited about this movie that is slated to come out next year.
What makes this film so scary, is that it can one day be true. Those cute little f*ckers, can so easily have a mean side. I can honestly see them turning on us, can’t you?


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