Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » July
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Guess who is going to Yoga?
July 3rd, 2013 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who made an a$$ of herself a few months ago, then click here!


So you think you’re smarter than this 5 year old?
July 3rd, 2013 under Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live they had on 5 year old Arden Hayes, who knows more about the Presidents of the United States than you, me and most of the people we know combined. It is crazy impressive how much the future POTUS knows because out of all the questions he answered, the only answer I knew was the picture they showed of George Jeffersons from The Jeffersons.
So today if you are feeling smart about yourself because you just kicked your friend’s a$$ in a game of Words With Friends, think again because how many of you can name the only President who was born on July 4th?


A Matilda reunion!
July 3rd, 2013 under Reunions. [ Comments: none ]

(Left to right, back row: One of the Million Dollar Sticky women; Brian, who played my brother Michael; Pam Ferris, who played the Trunchbull; Jimmy, who played Bruce Bogtrotter; Leor, who played Julius Rottwinkle.
Left to right, front row: Jacqueline, who played Amanda Thripp; Rhea, who played Mrs. Wormwood; Me; Kiami, who played Lavender; Sara, who played four-year-old Matilda; Danny, who played Mr. Wormwood; Embeth, who played Miss Honey.)
Mara Wilson aka Matilda posted a picture from the movie’s reunion on Facebook and we got to see how the cast from one of our favorite childhood movies look today. You know what they basically look the same, which is a very good thing. Maybe they can do a sequel? Who doesn’t want that?


So You Think You change the elimination process?
July 3rd, 2013 under SYTYCD. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday was the first So You Think You Can Dance elimination episode on Fox and Nigel Lythgoe changed things up. Instead of holding off until the end of the show who would not be back next week, the dancing competition decided to do it at the beginning of it. So the bottom 6 knew before they would have dance that they were not liked enough by the fans. To make matters worse 2 dancers were told they were safe, while the other 4 had to dance for their lives. Once they were done, two were told that they would not be moving on in the competition. Well that news is bad, and instead being able to run off to the dressing room to cry, they were forced to dance with their partner that would be back next week. That’s gotta hurt.
Well the fans were outraged and they let their voices be heard. So much so that Nigel Lythgoe Tweeted this this morning, “Ok I hear your disappointment in the format. We will certainly address that for next week. However, who gets cut will always be subjective!” He didn’t say how they would change it, but I have a feeling they will go back to the way things were.
Personally I gave up the show a few season ago because I hated that the show was more about the Judges’ useless comments and not about the dancing. Plus I have always hated that we never had the final say who gets eliminated. Nigel’s ego always handled that for us. Although this is the second time in weeks his ego has been cut down to size; first he was fired from American Idol and now the fans are making him change the format for his lone Fox show that I predict will not be back next year.

Nigel Lythgoe Tweeted this about who are decision makers on SYTYCD, “I’m at a loss to understand some people’s stupidity. I don’t make the decision as to who goes home. The choreo’s and judges decide, I report” Like I said I haven’t watched the show in a few years, but when I did the judges went to the back and then return to say who they voted to send home and he was one of those judges making the decision. So isn’t he technically voting who is going home and not just reporting on it. My point is; if they are going to have the viewers vote, then it should be the viewers who send that person home. We are the ones keeping the show on the air, not them. If we don’t watch, then they don’t have a show. Right?

UPDATE 2: Nigel Lythgoe announced the changes to the show, “We’re taking your advice by revealing America’s vote in the beginning and judging at the end. I hope it will inspire the bottom 4? Thank you” I like that so much better, what about you?


Hot Links!
July 2nd, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who is bending over? – GCeleb
Who cut off her fingertip? – Celebitchy
Which actress' nipple is showing? – Dlisted
Movies that are alike, but say their different – Pajiba
Which '90s actress is joining Switched a Birth? – Rickey
 Whose baby do the mags not care about? – Amy Grindhouse
Who Tweeted a topless bathtub picture? – Crunk & Disorderly

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