Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » April
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Jon Stewart rips CNN for choosing to be first over right!
April 18th, 2013 under Comedy Central. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday CNN rushed to the air saying that their sources told them there was an arrest made in the Boston Marathon Bombing. Well the “Most Trusted Name in News” was wrong and Jon Stewart took the opportunity to rip them a new one because of that on The Daily Show.
While I am not making light of what happened in Boston on Monday, I think all of these news agencies need to go back to the logic of it is better to be right than to be first. Jumping the gun has led to several news organizations to air misinformation and it needs to stop now before something horrible comes out of their mistakes. We turn to you for the facts and your correct reporting, not because you were the first ones on the air with the news. Only you give a sh!t about that, we don’t. We just care about the news and you should try to remember that when you are reporting breaking news.
Now I am going to step down from my Soap Box and say that I laughed so hard at that Jon Stewart’s take on it that I actually cured my headache. They say laughing is the best medicine and they are right. So the next time you have a headache, take two Jon Stewart videos and call me in the morning.

xoxo Ayn!


Harrison Ford confronts that Wookiee Sack of Sh!t on Jimmy Kimmel Live!
April 18th, 2013 under Jimmy Kimmel, Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

Almost two years ago Harrison Ford was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live! and his ex-friend Chewbacca sneaked in to see him to make a mends. But Han Solo kicked him out, telling him he never wanted to see him again.
Well yesterday Indiana Jones was once again on the ABC late night show and Chewbacca came back. To say Ford didn’t take it so well, would be an understatement. As soon as he saw the man who caused his ex-wife to still cough up hairballs, he called him a Son of a Bitch. When the Wookiee pleaded to let bygones be bygones, it only led to Ford being so upset he walked out of the interview. I guess once you stab him in the heart with a light saber, he will never forgive the person/Wookiee who did that to him.
Hopefully they can end this feud before they film the next Star Wars movie, that is if either one of them is asked to do it.
Now in Chewie’s defense, Ford was already in a bad mood. Right before the question and answer section Kimmel rubbed the fact that he scored an out of the park home run in a game he played, while Harrison couldn’t pitch a ball all the way to home plate from the mound. When you watch the video below, you can see how awkward it was between the actor and the host. So it wasn’t like Chewbacca had a chance.


Hot Links!
April 17th, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who is that Playboy girl? – Dlisted
Rachel Bilson in a bikini – GCeleb
Which actor lives with his mom? – Celebitchy
Which cancelled show might be coming back? – Rickey
Which multi-mom showed off her rock hard body? – ICYDK
Amanda Seyfried said what about Lindsay Lohan? – Amy Grindhouse
You'll never guess who was voted the Most Hated Celebrity – Bohomoth
Whose mad Tom Cruise didn't ask him to be a Scientologist? – StarCrush

Oh yeah! The Kool-Aid man is back!
April 17th, 2013 under Ads. [ Comments: 1 ]

via TV Guide
For almost 20 years the Kool-Aid Man has been enjoying the life of retirement, but now he is back. Sadly while he has been relaxing instead of working, it has made calmer and less interesting. Someone needs to put some sugar in his jug because he needs some of that spunk back! Oh yeah!


BTWF roles: Don Cheadle on Fame
April 17th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous, Don Cheadle. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 1:40 in)

Before Don Cheadle’s career brought him fame, he guest starred on Fame. He looks the same now as did when he was 21 in that 1986 episode.


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