Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » March
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This movie promotion is deplorable
March 5th, 2013 under Unadmirable People. [ Comments: none ]

So there is a movie coming out and to promote the unnamed film they decided to do a hidden camera experiment. They had two men in an elevator on the floor with one of them strangling the other one to see what people on the other side of the door would do.
Some ran away, some attacked, some were horrified, some got help and one guy eve took pictures with his phone. So what did their little experiment prove? It proved scaring people with a fake murder attempt for a movie, shows how awful this idea is to promote said film that no one is talking about and no one will see even though some B- List actors are in it.
So why post this? While I applaud studios when they come up with new ways to publicize their movies, this type of promotion needs to be stopped before it is done again. At least the one for The Last Exorcism 2 made sense and didn’t hurt or scar anyone like this one did.


Hot Links!
March 4th, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess who is showing the paps who's the boss? – Dlisted
LeAnn Rimes looks different – Celebitchy
Michael Jackson's kids will sell anything – Bohomoth
Lindsay Lohan rejects Charlie Sheen – Tabloid Prodigy
 Kate Upton when she was in school – Amy Grindhouse
What shows did Fox pick up for next season? – Rickey
January Jones shows off her post-baby abs – Yeeeah!
Will Smith's kid is dating Kim Kardashian's sister – StarCrush
Kristen Stewart in just a shirt and thigh high socks! – GCeleb

Jane Lynch can rap!
March 4th, 2013 under Conan O'Brien, Glee, Jane Lynch. [ Comments: none ]

Jane Lynch is on Conan O’Brien’s talk show tonight at 11p and she told the TBS host how she rapped one of Nicki Minaj’s songs on Glee. So he asked her to do it and she did. Once you watch her nail Super Bass, you wil1 want her to school her co-star Matthew Morrison on how it’s supposed to be done! Not the way he does it. Thankfully he hasn’t done a rap song in a while on the show and hopefully they will keep it that way.
Now when it comes to Sue Sylvester, dang 6′ white girl can rap with the best of them and the American Idol judge!


BTWF roles: Jamie Bamber in Horatio Hornblower: The Duel
March 4th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jamie Bamber was saving lives on Monday Mornings, he was saving just one in Horatio Hornblower: The Duel. How cute is the 24 year old in that 1998 telemovie.


Which words cause problems for Jamie Bamber on Monday Mornings?
March 4th, 2013 under TNT/TBS/TCM. [ Comments: 1 ]

Monday Mornings is the best new drama on television and you can watch it tonight and every Monday on TNT at 10p after Dallas. The medical drama follows surgeons as they do their job and once a week they are held accountable by their peers in a meeting on Monday Mornings. Unlike other medical drama this one is about doctors actually doing their job and the patients whose lives they are trying to save. It is not a soap opera (like Grey’s Anatomy) or a procedural (like House), it is just a medical drama.
Because it is that, the cast is expected to use medical terminology and we all know that ain’t easy for us non-doctors. I was recently on a conference call with Jamie Bamber and Jennifer Finnigan and we talked about this.
Bamber plays neurosurgeon Dr. Tyler Wilson and it wasn’t the words that necessarily got to him, but it is how we pronounce them here in The States that gave the Brit a problem. As he explained, “For me it’s always a simple one because the terminology is one thing and you just have to work at it and we all do and it becomes second nature but occasionally for me there’s a double whammy of medical terminology that’s also slightly accented differently in English than it is in American English.” Then after a few seconds of Jennifer Finnigan and him trying to think of the word that was a big problem for him, he knew which one it was. He said, “I remember it, its trachea. Instead of trachea I would say trachia, trachia, a simple word that we all know but for me to say trachea instead of trachia, it was, I had to pause about three words before I got there and take a deep breath, repeat it inside of me and then spit it out.” The Finnigan, who plays attending neurosurgeon Dr. Tina Ridgeway, said “I saw it in his eyes.”
Bamber then added, “Yeah, it’s the simple ones that sometimes bite you. I mean, yeah, we have significant differences. Like we say anesthetist and you guys say anesthesiologist. Most of those I’ve got down but occasionally one will creep up but I actually use in sort of common parlents and those are the ones that bite me, not the really technical ones.” So it’s not the words, it just the issue that they say it differently on the other side of the pond.
So what about his accent, Finnigan who also plays his lover, commented on that. She said, “He’s amazing because he’ll be, we’ll be, talking literally right up till action and he’s, you know, a Brit, and then all of the sudden he just switches over on a dime, it’s shocking! I mean, especially involving all that jargon.” He chimed in with, “I can’t do it the other way. I can’t do it the other way where you stay in character all day.” Then Finnigan said his accent is having a strange effect on her because as she shared with us, “But then it’s weird because I think being Canadian I’m sometimes conscious of that slipping in which really it doesn’t when I’m sober but so sometimes talking to Jamie at length, because we do tend to sit together at those meetings and so 15 hours later I have a quasi-British accent for sure.”
So tune in tonight to see if you can hear either one of them accidentally slip into British accent. Especially since last week their affair was revealed and her marriage ended because of it. So you know there will be plenty of scenes between the two of them and I am so not complaining about that!


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