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Valerie Harper diagnosed with terminal brain cancer
March 6th, 2013 under Sick Bay. [ Comments: none ]

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In January Valerie Harper admitted that back in 2009 she beat lung cancer in her memoir, I, Rhoda, and also on GMA; but today she revealed to People some health news about herself and the prognosis is the worst. The 73 year old actress has a rare form of brain cancer called leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, and doctors say she has as “little as three months to live.” According to what she told People she is trying to extend that time by going through chemotherapy which will slow down the rapid spreading cancer, but she is also realistic about her diagnosis.
She told People when she found out on January 15th days before that GMA interview, “I was stunned” Then she added, “And in the next minute I thought, ‘This could draw more attention to cancer research.’ I think there’s an opportunity to help people.”
The actress who made us laugh for years as Rhoda, is making us cry to today as we honor her bravery. Instead of taking this lying down, she is standing up and bringing attention to cancer. I respect her for doing so.
I pray that the next few months are as peaceful as they can be for her. That she continues to live her final days to her fullest and not let this cancer take away from whatever time she has left.
On the cover of People she says, “Don’t miss your life.” So takes those words to heart and do something you always wanted to do today and also tell the people dear to you that you love them.
As a girl from The Bronx, I grew up with Rhoda as a role model because that is where her character moved to after The Mary Tyler Moore Show and I have always been a huge fan of hers. I have followed her career from then on and made sure to watch whatever she was a part of. Last year when she was on Drop Dead Diva, I couldn’t get over how beautiful she looks. She hadn’t aged a day since the ’70s.
Today we can see her beauty on the insider and the out. Peace be with her.


Hot Links!
March 6th, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who needs to close the robe? – Dlisted
Rihanna's clothing line is ugly – Yeeeah!
What is Kate Middleton having? – Bohomoth
Victoria Justice shows off some skin – GCeleb
Who spent $50,000 at a strip club? – Hollywood PQ
Is Demi Lovato returning to The X Factor? – Rickey
Another reason to hate Taylor Swift – Tabloid Prodigy
Jennifer Aniston's future bro-in-law is hot! – Celebitchy
Jennifer Lopez needs to get over herself – Amy Grindhouse
Mila Kunis' cute and awkward interview – Hollywood Backwash

Jon Stewart is taking the summer off!
March 5th, 2013 under Comedy Central. [ Comments: none ]

The Daily Show will be without Jon Stewart this summer because he is taking 8 weeks off starting in June to direct a serious film he wrote called Rosewater. Comedy Central described the movie based on Maziar Bahari’s book as “a journalist’s story of his entry into the family business – government imprisonment and political incarceration in Iran.” So I guess you can say the show has really influenced him because when I saw him do his comedy before he did the Daily Show it was mostly about his cat.
And for those of you who are wondering who will be replacing him, that job is going to John Oliver. So we will still have a John hosting the show.


BTWF roles: Kristen Stewart in The Thirteenth Year
March 5th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous, Kristen Stewart, Twilight. [ Comments: none ]

via The Back Row
Before people waited in line to see Kristen Stewart in The Twilight Saga, she waited in line to use the water fountain in The Thirteenth Year. How cute was the 8 year old wearing a white shirt in that 1990 movie?


Was the Conan staff high when they came up with this stunt?
March 5th, 2013 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on Conan O’Brien’s TBS talk show they shot marijuana out of a cannon. The bricks of pot were capitulated towards the mouths of huge celebrity stoners because they can. Let’s just I don’t know what they were smoking, well I do, because it didn’t go well for the celebrities. This is your brain, this your brain after being hit with more pot than you smoke in a week.
BTW I was wondering why I had a case of the giggles and munchies yesterday, now I know why! There was pot blowing all over Burbank after this stunt and it blew my way. Thank you, Conan!


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