Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » March
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This is one way to see a lot of stars on Hollywood Blvd!
March 25th, 2013 under Old Hollywood. [ Comments: none ]

Jason Mewes Tweeted the above picture and said “Made my day !!!!”. You know what it made mine too!
And my day will get even better if he is still out there on Hollywood Blvd right now because I got a $50 bill ready so I can play punter on his balls 10 times.
Seriously how sad is it that he had to cut his price in half. I would rather kick a man in the balls than take a picture with one of the costumed characters who normally walk the boulevard.
BTW I hope that Jimmy Kimmel Live! has their people looking for this guy and that they get him on the show ASAP. Can you imagine all the fun they can have with him.


Guess who dresses like that for a run?
March 25th, 2013 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

If you think you’re Sherlock and you’ve solved this mystery, then to see if you have click here!


World War Zzzzzzzzzzz
March 25th, 2013 under Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

The second trailer is out for Brad Pitt’s World War Z and it feels like an end of the world disaster flick with a twist that will ruin the whole film. Seriously when I watched this trailer all I can think is how many innocent people were CGIed to make this film. Doesn’t it look like stadium scenes use less fake people than this film?
So will this movie go up flames like a lot of the scenes in this trailer? Nope it has Brad Pitt, Zombies and it’s dealing with the end of the world, it will be a hit just not a huge blockbuster when it comes out on June 21st.


Hey Janice Dickinson is it duck season?
March 25th, 2013 under Janice Dickinson. [ Comments: 1 ]

Fame Flynet
Janice Dickinson never has a problem posing for the cameras, but that doesn’t mean she always should. Seeing the self-proclaimed World’s First Supermodel do the duck face, makes me wish it was duck season so we can kill that facial expression. Seriously make it stop.


Diane Kruger wants you to look at her four eyes!
March 25th, 2013 under Quentin Tarantino. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flyent
Diane Kruger was out shopping and she found a way for you not look at her face. The actress wore a T-Shirt with a pair of eyeglasses over her boobs and I think it is a smart distraction. But I could think that because everything looks smarter with a pair of spectacles on it.


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