Andy Samberg was on Conan O’Brien’s talk show yesterday and he told the late night host he would not make out with an eagle. Lo and behold there was an eagle in the audience and the actor totally made out with America’s national bird. When they were done, The Lonely Island singer said it was just casual and it meant nothing, and that broke the poor guy’s heart. It was so sad to see his disappointment that he would not be making a nest with Samberg. So much so that it made everyone in the audience feel bad for our winged friend. I feel so bad about it, I can’t stop Tweeting the heartache and neither will you after you watch the Samberg do something funnier than any movie he has done. Did you see That’s My Boy? Oy, that was something to squawk about.
Funny or Die says “I Can’t Believe These Are All TV Shows” and I can’t believe they are either. As they pointed out there are a sh!tload of shows battling it out with Wars in the title. Also they went Flipping mad coming up with names for those shows about flipping something. And yes there are also plenty of shows about wives called wives.
There are also not 1, not 2 but 3 shows about the Amish and they don’t even watch TV. But that ain’t nothing as compared to the dozen shows about Alaska, is the population even that large in some of that state’s cities?
We know that reality shows copy each other, but dang who how much they were all alike down the titles for the shows. You would think that they would at least be original about that and not be hoarding all of the good names?
For years Michelle Williams has had short cropped hair in honor of her late ex Heath Ledger, but now she tells Us Weekly she is ready to start to grow it out. As anyone woman, who decides to do the same thing, can tell you it ain’t easy. She explained to the magazine why she waited until now, “The mid-stage is insufferable. It’s really hard on your self-esteem.” It is, but once you get through it it is so worth it. But during that in between you need to find different ways to survive that awkward stage like french braids, barrettes, headbands and so on.
Even though now she looks like Becky right after haircut on Roseanne, in a few weeks she will start to look like her Dawson’s Creek-self. So my advice to her is just grin and bear because before you know you will have it where you want it to be!
via Huffington Post
If you are like me, then you have seen about 1 of the Oscar nominated movies and you don’t plan on seeing any more of them before Sunday or afterwards. Well The Fine Bothers have summarized 50 of those movies in 5 minutes, so now you will feel like you have suffered through, I mean watched, all of those the movies even though you haven’t. So when Argo wins, you will understand why!
Oh and you don’t have to watch this video to know why Anne Hathaway is going to win. It’s because she cut her hair for it and won’t shut up about how traumatic it was for her.
When did the C in ABC change from Company from to Cinemax? I am guessing they sunk to new lowes when they gave Sean Lowe The Bachelor. Can you believe they dedicated :40 of The Bachelor: Sean Tells All to him slowly washing himself without soap. Something that Jimmy Kimmel noticed and I didn’t.
Seriously I have seen the way they ended the yesterday’s episode before and that was when I was watching one of those movies on Skinemax late at night. Those flicks even use the same music that they used!
BTW now I get why Jason Biggs was pleasuring himself to Lowe because I feel like doing the same thing after watching him take a long hot shower.