The office Christmas parties can be a lot of fun, especially if there is tons of free alcohol involved. But I am sure your party ain’t got nothing on the one that happened for Conan O’Brien’s TBS talk show. I want to work on his show just for the end of the year party!
The first full trailer is out for Scary Movie 5 and why do I feel they showed all the funny scenes in it? Oh past experience with the other Scary Movie films.
BTW I am sure Chuck Lorre will be there on April 19th to watch Charlie Sheen get tortured by the ghost over and over again?
Just when you thought that How I Met Your Mother would be a goner, comes word from Deadline that the whole cast has signed on for a ninth season. There had been rumors that most of the cast was ready to move on especially Jason Segel, but today he decided to give in and re-up for another season. And all I have to say to that is damn you Jason Segel, damn you to hell.
I loved How I Met Your Mother for the first few seasons and couldn’t wait for the next episode, but then around season 4 the show went to sh!t and never got back that original feel. I have been watching since week 1 and now I wonder why I am still making myself give up a half hour week to the CBS show. I don’t care who the mother is at this point, just that Ted finds her and shuts the f*ck up. Seriously the show has turned more into the Barney and Robin love story then Ted’s and that defeats the whole purpose of the show.
Yes CBS wants to bring it back. Yes the cast want it come back. But does it have to? Us fans want it put out of our misery because we all long for the days of Robin Sparkles going to the mall and Barney losing the Slap Bet. Now we just all want to reach into our screens and slap them to shut the f*ck up.
So in other words, all I want for Christmas is for this show to end this season. And I am sure I am not alone.
One of Abbott and Costello’s most famous routines was “Who’s on First?” Well yesterday on Late Night, Jimmy Fallon recreated the bit playing Bud Abbott and Steve Higgins as Lou Costello. But unlike the original bit they added Who, What and IDontKnow to the NBC show’s take on it and I think it might’ve actually made it even funnier. Granted it could be because Billy Crystal was Who and Jerry Seinfeld was IDontKnow, but I think it was more than that. It just added a whole new level of mayhem to the gag having the basemen join in, don’t you agree?
The only problem I had with it, is Fallon is the man of many voices and yet he kinda sucked as Bud Abbott. That and I wish that Robin Williams played What or IDontKnow!
If you say I don’t know who Abbott and Costello are and what Who’s on First? is, then you can watch them do it below from the 1945 movie The Naughty Nineties!
For years we have been hearing how the Mayans predicted the world will end when the Winter Solstice happens on December 21, 2012, well that time has happened and we are still here! So sit back and watch the year in review via JibJab on The Tonight Show and be happy we are alive to see it. It really it is one of the best things I have ever seen on the NBC late night show.
And I am overlooking the fact that they spelled Grey wrong for Fifty Shades. I am assuming a man typed up the captions because every woman knows how to spell Christian’s last name correctly.
Finally now that we survived 12/21/12, it is time for the Zombies to bring it on!