Jerry Seinfeld has a hot new webseries on Crackle called Comedians in Cars Getting Coffeeand his latest trip is with someone he rode with for a long time. The comedian is reunited with Michael Richards aka Kramer and they don’t seem to have that same relationship they had on that NBC show they did together in the ’90s. Even though things are different I still can’t wait to see the whole webisode because I think that is the first time we have seen Richards do something since that infamous rant he had a comedy club. It will be interesting to see how he has changed.
Tonight at 8p Last Resort debuts on ABC and I command you to watch it.
USS Colorado is a submarine that is run by Captain Marcus Chaplin (Andre Braugher) and they have pretty much had an easy ride. That is until they get an order to send a nuclear bomb to Pakistan from someone they don’t. Chaplin refuses and his #2 XO Lt. Commander Sam Kendal (Scott Speedman) is ordered to replace his commander. Kendal does what he is told, but he sides with Chaplin and tries to get more information on why they are being asked to do what they do. When they realize that there is no merit to nuke Pakistan, he also decides not to do it. Then without warning one of their own launches an attack on them. Kendal gives control back to Chaplin and they surface at a remote island with a NATO command center. That command center has just witnessed a US attack on Pakistan, so they are weary of their visitors. As the crew tries to find out what happened, they find out they are enemy #1. So Chaplin comes up with a plan to clear his name and the crews, and now they are at war with their own country. Now they are left on their own to do whatever they can to prove their innocence and some how be allowed to return home to US. And that is a lot easier said than done.
Last Resort is the most intense and well acted new show of the season. This show grabs a hold of your attention and never let’s go. You will pretty much sit in silence as you watch everything unfold and then when the show is over you are still not up for talking. I can tell that you episode 2 is equally as powerful and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
I also have to mention that Andre Braugher is f*cking amazing on this show. It amazes me that he is playing such a strong role on this show after playing such a wimpy guy on Men of a Certain Age. If that doesn’t make a great actor, I don’t know what does. So watch him give one of his best performances tonight and every Thursday at 8p on ABC.
Fame Flynet
Richie Sambora was on Extra to talk about his new album Aftermath of the Lowdown and by the look of his face he is very passionate about it. Maybe it’s because Jon Bon Jovi is the lead man, but I never realized how expressive the guitarist really is. I like getting to know this side of him along with his voice on his new rockin’ CD.
Taraji P. Henson was the guest host today on Anderson Live and just before she was set to go on her dress split open. Being the professional that she is, she went on with the show. Except she had to have two seamstresses sew up her dress as she walked on the stage and then sat down. It didn’t even faze her that they were fixing up her dress as she talked to Anderson Cooper. But then again as she explained it, it isn’t the first time that happened to her.