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Hot Links!
May 29th, 2012 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess who is showing off her best a$$et? – Dlisted
Coco in a bikini – INF Daily
Who is jealous of Kim Kardashian? – Celebitchy
Which paparazzi darling wore a bikini? – Yeeeah
 Just what we need another singing show – Rickey
Kristen Stewart says something smart – Amy Grindhouse
Does that look like a baby bump? – Hollywood Backwash

BTWF roles: Rachelle Leferve in Big Wolf on Campus
May 29th, 2012 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 3:40 in)

Before Rachelle Leferve was a vampire in Twilight, she went to high school with a werewolf in Big Wolf on Campus. She looks the same now as she did when she was 19 in that 1999 episode.


Shirley Manson calls out the Garbage at her show
May 29th, 2012 under Music. [ Comments: none ]

Garbage was performing in Atlantic City the other night and Shirley Manson had to stop the show not once, but twice. The first time she did it was when an uber-fan was kicked out for being a “silly girl” and she questioned why she security did that. Then she did it again when a male fan punched a woman and she told security to get him out. Once he was gone, she restarted the song and played out the rest of the show even though there seemed to be some bad karma in the air.
Even though she stopped the concert twice, just from what we saw in the YouTube videos she put on one hell of show.


Cassie Steele and Andra Fuller talk about The L.A. Complex
May 29th, 2012 under The CW. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 9p is the season finale of The LA Complex on The CW and two of the actors from the hot drama told me just how real the show is.
We all got to know Cassie Steele on a little show called Degrassi. We got to watch her grow up that Canadian show and now she is playing a character that has a much different acting background than herself. So I wanted to know from her which character from the show she relates to, and she told me “I think I relate with Abby and Jewel (Staite)’s character Raquel because I was on a show for a really long time. Going from being a teenager to an adult. It is really strange because you don’t really know how to handle everything.” She added, “Getting this role I had to do a lot things I never really got to do on Degrassi like minimal clothing and not always having a punishment for the problems that I had. It was definitely an obstacle I had to overcome and start being comfortable with.” Watching the show about actors struggling to make it in Hollywood, you would think she was comfortable with everything about it from the get go. It could be because she has worked with the producers for half her life. When the 22 year old actress was just 11 years old she landed the role of Manny Santos on Degrassi, then she went on to their next show Instant Star and now she is starring 2in their latest project The L.A. Complex. So I wanted to know what it was like working on three projects with the same amazing company (that does some of the best television out there) and she said, “This is my third series with Epitome, that means I only had one good audition when I was 11 years old.” Then she jokingly added, “I don’t know what I slipped in their drinks, whatever I had in my lunch bag. I guess.” Whatever it was it was good and I, along with many others, am glad that she did because she has been fantastic in everything she has done with them.
Now someone who is a newbie to the Epitome world is Andra Fuller who plays Kaldrick King on the show. He is one of the few people on the show that is filmed in Toronto, who actually has spent a lot of time in Los Angeles trying to make it as an actor. So I wanted to know from him if the show is the real deal, he said “It’s so realistic, it’s scary. Some of the things that are addressed on this show are things I witnessed first hand. I have met people who literally live out of their cars. I have met people like Abby’s character, who are homeless, young 20s, living from couch to couch, don’t have money to feed yourself. The couple of dollars you do have, you have to make a decision do I use this $2 to catch the bus and go to this audition or do I use it this $2 to feed myself. Those are realistic scenarios that people go through on a daily basis in this town.” He then went on to say, “People think of Los Angeles, and Hollywood in particular, they think of the glamour, the glitz, the Walk of Fame and the Hollywood sign, not everybody gets to experience that. That is the 1%, the 99% are people who, either get caught up working other jobs and never get to be an actor which they aspire to be when they moved out here or they simply bow out, tuck their tail between their legs and move back home and say ‘LA didn’t work out for me.'” When you want the interview below, he goes on to explain why people who want to get into the entertainment business should watch this show.
What he says is so true because I read his quotes to my friend that has been acting for over half her life and she said she knows people like the ones he described and also people who have experienced what the characters go through on The LA Complex. Some of you are watching reality TV, but The L.A. Complex is the realist thing on TV. So watch the season finale tonight on The CW. If you missed any episodes you can watch it on The CW App or on will want to catch up on all the episodes fast because the second season is going to air on The CW starting in July.


It is about the size of the boat and the motion in the ocean
May 29th, 2012 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Family Feud asked “Name something that can never be long enough.” Well after three Xs, the fourth person finally got the right answer. A sweet Kendra told Steve Harvey, that she was going with “a man’s private parts.” Her answer left the host with his mouth wide open and nothing to say, but “Did you understand the question?” Proud of her an answer, and yet a little embarrassed by what just came out of her mouth she said that she did. In fact her male family agreed with her. Well Harvey finally turned around to see if the answer was on the board and nine people agreed with Kendra and me that a “man trouser’s snake” can never long enough.
See the things you can learn on Family Feud, like you are not alone in your thought about things like the size of man’s pride and joy.
BTW I wonder how many phrases the gameshow has used for the word “pen!s”?


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