Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2012 » February
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OMG Abby Lee Miller is actually dancing!!!
February 22nd, 2012 under Lifetime, Talk Shows. [ Comments: 10 ]

Abby Lee Miller was on The Wendy Williams Show today and the dance teacher taught the host how to dance. But unlike Dance Moms, Abby Lee actually danced with her student. Now that I have finally seen her dance, I would like to go back to not knowing what it looked like when she danced. Really did I need to know what it would look like if Jabba the Hut slinked her way into a body roll? I just can’t get that image out of my head. It is like it is burned in my eyes and it won’t get away.
That isn’t the only horrifying thought going around in my head right now. I also pictured how Abby Lee uses that pink bat when she listens to a certain Billy Idol song, you know Dancing with Myself… What you know you thought it too?
Now over to Dance Moms, who else besides me is not liking the fake drama this season with Jill and Cathy? The Candy Apples thing is so last season and needs to end. When it comes to Jill, the tension she has added to the show makes me tense. It really makes me so uncomfortable, I have considered giving up my guilty pleasure because of it.


Guess who is suddenly camera shy?
February 22nd, 2012 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see if she looks like a monster and that is why she is hiding her face then click here!


I can’t wait for April 6th to cum, so I can see American Reunion!!!
February 22nd, 2012 under American Pie. [ Comments: 1 ]

The first full trailer for American Pie 4 aka American Reunion is out and I can’t wait for April 6th to cum already so I can see this movie. How excited are you? Seriously doesn’t it look like all kinds of awesomeness. And I especially love the fact that there is a flute involved because one time in band camp…


Is Donald Trump starting a war with David Letterman?
February 22nd, 2012 under David Letterman, Donald Trump. [ Comments: 1 ]

A few years ago Donald Trump had a verbal war with Rosie O’Donnell, which I think is still going on, and now it looks like he is starting one with another talk show host. This time the victim is David Letterman. The Celebrity Apprentice boss Tweeted this today, “David Letterman’s show has become so boring and mundane. Somehow, every time I look, I can’t help thinking of his world-shattering poor performance at the Academy Awards a number of years ago. Anyway, I hope he gets it together. @LateShow” No reason was given why he turned against someone he used to like, but I am assuming it is because the CBS late night host is opting not to book him on the show. I mean it isn’t like Letterman hasn’t been making fun of Trump for a long time about his hair and running for President, so why start something now and not back then?
I can’t wait to see if and how Letterman will respond to Trump because I would be surprised if he didn’t and you know what he says will be good.


Slackline is the sh!t
February 22nd, 2012 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: 1 ]

Remember during Madonna’s halftime show at the Super Bowl, everyone was wondering why Richard Simmons, Will Ferrell or that kid with the JewFro from Glee was jumping up and down on a rope? Well now we know who that guy is and what he was doing. Andy Lewis was on Conan last night and he talked to the TBS late night about his sport that is called Slackline. Not only did he tell him that he can position his “Vince Lombardis” aka testicles, but he brought a few friends along and they demonstrated the sport for us to see. I have to tell you after watching them do their thing, I am completely blown away. They make it look so simple and painless, but you know it takes a lot of a practice and their bodies are full of black and blue marks. Can you believe when they started it they were doing it on chains? I can’t even imagine.
BTW Conan O’Brien has something to jump up and down about, his TBS show was renewed until April 2014.


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