Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2011 » July
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What is the bulge in Gwyneth Paltrow’s bikini bottom?
July 12th, 2011 under Gwyneth Paltrow. [ Comments: 3 ]

Fame Pictures
Gwyneth Paltrow spent the day at the beach with her kids and wore a little red bikini. Looking at the pictures of her showing off her body, all I could concentrate was on the bulge in her bikini. What is that bump? It almost makes it look like the female actress has a little pen!s. She doesn’t, but it kind of looks that way.


James Franco knew hosting the Oscars was a mistake. but it was too late!
July 12th, 2011 under James Franco, Oscars. [ Comments: none ]

James Franco had a revealing interview, with out of all the publications, Playboy and in it he talked about hosting the Oscars. The Oscar nominee, who will most likely never be asked to host the Oscars again, talked about why he did and what went wrong.

PLAYBOY: Some might question how seriously you took co-hosting the Oscars show with Anne Hathaway.
FRANCO: When they asked me to do it, I laughed and said, “How am I going to get out of this?” I had one of the best acting experiences working with [director] Danny Boyle on 127 Hours, and we made something great. The studio was making a push for my best actor nomination, and people had been talking about it. At the time I thought no one had won an Oscar the year they hosted the show—I learned later that David Niven had, about 50 years ago—and I thought my hosting the show would cut down my chances, take some of the pressure off and say to people, or at least to myself, “You’re not going to worry about this.” I had done a bit for the Oscars before with Seth Rogen that was a big hit. I felt confident I could do it. I mean, what are the host’s responsibilities? You have an opening monologue, maybe a bit or two in the middle of the show, and then the rest is just reading names. They knew I could rehearse only on weekends because of school, but how much do you have to rehearse? They told me they knew I wasn’t Chris Rock and that they had designed the show around me.

PLAYBOY: How did it go so wrong?
FRANCO: It’s hard to talk about because it’s like assigning blame—not a fun thing to do. For three or four weeks we shot the promos and the little film that played in the opening. In the last week, when we really started focusing on the script for the live show and did a run-through, I said to the producer, “I don’t know why you hired me, because you haven’t given me anything. I just don’t think this stuff’s going to be good.”

You know what he is right, they didn’t write for him. The jokes were lame and as he said Anne and him were polar opposites and so much so it didn’t work.
I kind of feel bad for him because he is not going to live this down for a long time. I mean I won’t forget about anytime soon.


Come on Eileen get happy because Dexys Midnight Runners are back in the studio!
July 12th, 2011 under 80s. [ Comments: 1 ]

Come on Eileen is one of the biggest one hit wonders, but that all might change because Dexys Midnight Runners, who now go just by Dexys, is back in the studio. The band announced the news on their Twitter by saying, “Dexys new album. Cant really say why, because its hard to put it down to any 1 thing, but its working – Its early days, but so far so good.”
This is the band’s first since 1985. That’s right the last time they released an album neither Justin Bieber nor any of the Jonas Brothers nor Lady Gaga nor Rihanna were born. Will they be able to top these younger singers? I really hope so!
Also since the last time they released an album, they came out with this thing called CDs. So I guess you can say this is their first CD ever! And I will be buying that CD when it comes out next year!!!
BTW do you want to know what the band’s name Dexys Midnight Runners means, listen to Craig Ferguson explain it.


Does Dallas 2.0 look like it’ll strike black gold to you??
July 12th, 2011 under TNT/TBS/TCM. [ Comments: none ]

The first trailer for next summer’s updated version of Dallas is out and I want to know what do you think of TNT reboot? I have to admit I wanted to be negative about it, but after watching that first look the only negative thing I can say is I hate that we have to wait a year to see it.


Hot Links!
July 11th, 2011 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

What is this lady doing on the subway? – Rickey
Cindy Crawford's mini-me! – ICYDK
How to get a date with Mila Kunis? – Yeeeah!
Who has the best nipples in this bunch? – Dlisted
The Dancing with the Stars rumors are starting – Popbytes
Which Grey's Anatomy star is having another baby? – INMF
Who ended their honeymoon early for a DNA test? – Celebitchy

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