The first trailer for John Carter is out and I can’t wait to see the movie when it comes out on March 9th. Not only does it look visually beautiful, but so does a shirtless Taylor Kitsch. I think this movie is going to appeal to men and women of all ages.
Before Rose Byrne was one of the Bridesmaids, she was just a guest at wedding on Echo Park. She looks exactly the same now as she did when she was 15 in that 1995 soap.
Barry Williams took his son to see Shrek the Musical and I couldn’t get over how cute his mini-Greg Brady is! Seriously don’t the 56 year old actor and his 8 year old son Brandon look exactly alike?
BTW I think the eldest Brady son is looking the best I have see him look in years!
Jason Biggs and his wife Jenny Mollen celebrated their third anniversary yesterday and she Tweeted a picture of him showing her his love to honor it. Nice to know he has graduated from pies to girls, but I think I would’ve been happier had I never seen that because I can’t get that image out of my head.