Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » November
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Robert Wagner and Stephanie Powers have a Hart to Hart
November 11th, 2010 under Reunions. [ Comments: 3 ]

Robert Wagner and Stephanie Powers got together for the One From The Hart: A Hart To Hart Reunion at the Paley Center yesterday and the TV couple still look like they love each other. Not only that, don’t the 80 year old actor and 68 year old actress look as good as they did when they did the show over 30 years ago.


Hot Links!
November 10th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who looks like Britney Spears from behind? – Bricks and Stones
Larry King earned his wings – lolebriety
Which country is copying Jersey Shore? – Dlisted
Robert Downey Jr is a nut…literally! – Popbytes
John Mayer and a married a woman? – Celebitchy
Which Sex Rehabber posed naked? – Tabloid Prodigy
Halle Berry's daughter gives the bitch face! – Bossip
Lindsay Lohan loves rehab so much so that… – Gabby Babble

What the Fock did they do to Little Fockers?
November 10th, 2010 under Frat Pack. [ Comments: none ]

When I saw the first trailer for Little Fockers, I really wanted to see the movie. Well as soon as it was released rumors started coming out the movie was in trouble and they hired Dustin Hoffman to save the day. Well after watching the new trailer, I have to say I have lost all interest in seeing that movie until it is on cable. Now it looks just another unfunny Ben Stiller movie.


BTWF roles: Maggie Lawson on Hang Time
November 10th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous, Psych. [ Comments: 2 ]

Before Maggie Lawson had a thing going on with Shawn on Psych, she had something going on with another guy on Hang Time. She looks exactly the same now as she did when she was 16 in that 1996 episode except she doesn’t look as much like Alicia Silverstone in the present.


I predict that Psych is back on USA tonight
November 10th, 2010 under USA Network. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 10p on USA, Psych is back on the case. I can tell you about the case, but you don’t really care. What you really want to know is if that kiss between Juliette and Shawn in the summer season finale will get resolved. All I will tell you is yes, you will have to tune in to see how!


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