via Dlisted
Before Taylor Momsen liked to shake it on the stage and look baked, she was showing how the right way to do it for Shake ‘N Bake. It’s amazing that that awwwdorable little 3 year old from that 1997 commercial grew up into the Gossip Girl we know now.
Patricia Arquette has seen the future of her CBS show Medium and it is dead. She told Entertainment Weekly simply, “we got canceled.” She added that she has been asking the writers how it is going to end and they won’t tell her. But this is what she knows, “I don’t know what it’s going to be, but they’re really excited about it. They’re like, `we’re just going to burn the whole thing down!’ I’m really excited.†I wonder if that mean that they will literally burn it down as in a party at Allison’s and the house catches on fire and everyone dies? Or who knows? As sad as I am that the show has met its fate, I am excited to see how it will end.
BTW the news is really not a surprise, last month when the network cut their episode order from 22 to 13 so the writing was pretty much on the wall.
NBC announced their mid-season schedule today and I have to wonder if it is The Event because I don’t understand why they changed it up as much as they did.
Here is the lineup and tell me if you can make sense of it.
8-9 p.m. – “Chuck”
9-10 p.m. – “THE CAPE” will premiere with a two-hour episode on Sunday, January 9 (9-11 p.m.). New episodes start in its regular time period on January 17 (9-10 p.m.)
10-11 p.m. – “HARRY’S LAW’ (beginning January 17)
9-10 p.m. – “The Event” (returns on February 28, 9-11 p.m.; resumes in its regular time slot March 7)
10-11 p.m. — “Parenthood” (debuts in this slot March 7 with all originals)
8-10 p.m. — “The Biggest Loser: Couples” (beginning January 4)
10-11 p.m. – “Parenthood” (beginning January 4 for four episodes)
10-11 p.m. — “Law & Order: Los Angeles” (beginning February 8)
8-9 p.m. — “Minute to Win It” (beginning January 5)
9-10 p.m. -“Chase” (beginning January 12)
10-11 p.m. – “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” (originals beginning January 5 with two-hour episode, 9-11 p.m. ET)
9-10 p.m. – “AMERICA’S NEXT GREAT RESTAURANT” (beginning March 16)
When Robin disses Barney he gets back at her by showing a video of the show that gave birth to Robin Sparkles to all of their friends and we get to see it too tonight on CBS’s How I Met Your Mother at 8p. Let’s just say after you see it you will never look at teenage shows the same way. And you will also be singing Two Beavers are Better Than One from now on, but you will have to watch the episode to get the melody down. That and to watch the funniest episode of HIMYM this season thus far!
Now that Slap Bet and Robin Sparkles are tied at three episodes each, which do you think we will get a fourth one first? I am hoping for a Robin Sparkles slaps Barney episode. Let’s all Go To The Mall on that one!!!
It has been a while since we have seen Barbra Steisand and the Oscar winner is looking the best we have seen her in years. The 68 year old original Diva came out to the National Museum of American Jewish History opening gala and she is looking like she lost a lot of weight. On that note Hanukkah came early this year with this Hollywood Smorgasbord of three of the biggest Jewish names in the business…Babs, Jerry Seinfeld and Bette Midler. I wonder if Jerry had to stand in the middle so the two Divine ladies didn’t go at it for being the life of the picture? BTW I am on Team Bette!!!