We have all thought at one point that Zsa Zsa Gabor’s husband, Frederic von Anhalt is a little eccentric, and now we might have some proof of that? According to Brietbart he wants his wife to be plastinated after she dies. He reportedly told Bild, “My wife has always dreamt that her beauty would be immortal,” he said, “I would like to show the plastinated body of Zsa Zsa Gabor in the context of a scene in one of her films.” OK, I am totally creeped out by that if it is true especially because I looked up what plastination is and here you can check out Gunther von Hagen’s (the man who would reportedly do the deed) website about it.
I always thought taxidermy was disgusting, but plastination is even more horrifying. OK, I need a new image in my head…cute living kitties playing with awwwdorable living babies…oh sh!t why is that image turning into zombies wanting to eat my brains. Help…
Syfy loves doing movies with sea creatures like Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus and Mega Piranha, and on September 25th they will introduce us to Sharktopus. As you guessed it is a part shark, part octopus and all awesomeness! Plus it came from the mind of Roger Corman, so you know it is going to be campy fun! I know I can’t wait to see it Syfy when when it premieres on September25th at 9p because you know it will be so f*cking bad that it will be most excellent!
Before Jeff Probst was hosting Survivor throughout the world, he was hosting a little show called Backchat in a NYC studio. The nerdy actually works well on the 32 year old in that 1995 promo for his show.
We are 20 days away from the season premiere of Glee on Fox and here is your first look at season 2! Part of me is excited for this show to come back, but then the other part is worried that it has given in to its success and will totally suck. Although I liked what they did with Alicia Keys’ Empire State of Mind, although I likes Stephen Colbert’s better!