Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » September
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Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s Bad Romance!
September 7th, 2010 under Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Lady Gaga. [ Comments: none ]

Joseph Gordon-Levitt was performing at hitRECord’s Summer in the City and he did a cover of Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance. All I have to say is he did a great job with it and I think he one-upped her with his version of it. Seriously how awesome was his cover?
And thanks to him I learned she has three Hitchcock references in one verse…Psycho, Vertigo and Rear Window. Who knew she was Alfred Hitchcock fan?


BTWF roles: Willie Garson on Cheers
September 7th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 8:20)

Before Willie Garson had a crush on a waitress on White Collar, he was a waiter on Cheers. How cute was the 22 year old actor with hair in that 1986 episode?


Shocking another death coming to Desperate Housewives!
September 7th, 2010 under Desperate Housewives. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from ABC)

Marc Cherry is teasing the upcoming season of Desperate Housewives to TV Guide and guess what someone is going to die. He told TVG, “I’m not doing another big gimmicky natural disaster this year; I’m trying something different,” reveals Cherry. “My big cliffhanger right before we take our Christmas break will have to do with Paul Young. He has a plan for destroying the neighborhood. There will a shocking cliffhanger that effects everyone’s lives, and then right before February sweeps, we’re going to kill off one of our characters.” Ummm…last time I checked a small plane is not a natural disaster, but what do I know I am just a viewer who feels like the show has become one big natural disaster that won’t go away. When it comes to who dies, sounds like it might be Paul Young since he is the one responsible for the winter season finale? Although if I had my choice who should die on Wisteria Lane, I would say everyone and let’s put this show out of our misery!
Hey Marc, seriously can you really try something different soon because the show feels like it is a repeating itself and not any of the good stuff that is worth redoing?


The Amazing watermelon to the face on Race!!!
September 7th, 2010 under CBS. [ Comments: none ]

The Amazing Race might not have won the Emmy this year, but I think after this amazing watermelon to the face scene next year they will be bringing home that little gold statuette again.
In just that one moment, they have a battle as she tries to a catapult a watermelon towards a Knight’s armor, revenge because the watermelons were sick of being sacrificed for the cause so they attacked the person that was destroying them, we have an injury and it’s to the face leaving it all covered with a thick red liquid, and most importantly a b!tch who believes the war must be won even if you don’t have any feeling above the neck. If that doesn’t sound Emmy worthy to you, I don’t know what does?
Thank you CBS for slo-mo’ing and playing the second the watermelon smacks her in the face over and over! I sincerely enjoyed it.
BTW I think her TAR partner was so b!tchy to her, I think she makes Jonathan Baker seem likable. Seriously how cold was her reaction after she is like I can’t feel my face and I have a massive headache? I can’t wait to see what happens next when the show is back on September 26th!

UPDATE: I finally decided to check Brook (b!tchy friend) and Claire’s (face full of watermelon) information on The Amazing Race page and I wonder with the answer to that question was if she foreshadowing what would happen to her?
“What scares you most about traveling? The food is probably the scariest part of traveling.”
By the looks of it food really was the scariest part of her travels on the show, but not the way she was thinking!


White Collar’s summer season finale is hot hot hot!
September 7th, 2010 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: 1 ]

Last season White Collar ended with Kate’s plane blowing up and Neal watching as it happened. So far this season has been about Neal and Mozzie trying to find out who blew up the plane, while Peter and Diana have been trying to find out why Fowler was so interested the Music Box; and tonight on USA at 9p we will get a lot of answers to their questions!
Tonight’s episode picks up where last week’s ended with Burke reuniting Caffrey with the music box and Caffrey having the key to open it up and we will finally hear the music within that beautiful box! Mozzie and the two men realize the song is a code and they are going to try to break it. Besides the Music Box finally coming out of hiding, so will Fowler and now Caffrey and Burke will get some answers to what they have wanted to know. But I won’t spoil you because what he has to say will shock you!
But that shock is nothing compared to the final minute of tonight’s episode. If you thought last fall’s season finale was a OMFG moment when Peter goes to visit Kate at her hotel room and he is wearing the ring, well that is no where near as jaw dropping as tonight’s final few seconds. Let’s just say you will be screaming, ‘”nooooooooo” at your televisions and you will be like me wondering when is White Collar going to be back because right now is not soon enough. That and what happens will set up what is going to happen during the second part of season 2!
Come back here to discuss what happens after it is over because I have been waiting a week to talk to someone about it because it is just that OMGF amazing!


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